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引用本文:南今娘,胡续光,李洪秀. 肿瘤干细胞研究国际发展态势:基于国际数据库的文献检索结果分析[J]. 中国组织工程研究, 2012, 16(6): 1085-1094. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1673-8225.2012.06.030
作者姓名:南今娘  胡续光  李洪秀
作者单位:盘锦市第二人民医院,辽宁省盘锦市 124000
摘    要:背景:肿瘤干细胞是存在于肿瘤组织中的一小部分具有干细胞性质的细胞群体,具有自我更新能力和不定向分化潜能,肿瘤干细胞学说认为,肿瘤干细胞是肿瘤形成及其不断生长的根源。目的:通过对汤森路透Web of Science数据库、美国NIH基金及北美临床试验注册库有关肿瘤干细胞相关文献的计量学分析,得出成肿瘤干细胞国际动态的研究趋势。设计:文献计量学分析。资料提取:由第一作者检索汤森路透Web of Science数据库,美国NIH基金在线查询网站(NIH Research Portfolio Online Reporting Tools)及北美临床试验注册库(ClinicalTrials.gov)有关肿瘤干细胞的文献,基金资助项目,以及专利情况,分析其研究进展。检索文献时间范围为2002-01/2011-12。数据下载日期为2011-12-18。入选标准:纳入标准:①经同行评议的肿瘤干细胞研究的已发表文章,包括研究原著,综述,会议记录,会议摘要。②与肿瘤干细胞相关的基金资助项目。③与肿瘤干细胞研究相关的临床试验注册数据库。排除标准:①需采用手工检索和电话检索方式收集的文章。②未正式出版的文章。③在收录数量之外排除勘误类文献类型。主要数据的判断指标:①文献收录总量。②文献类型。③学科类型。④国家分布。⑤基金资助机构。⑥发文机构。⑦高被引文章。⑧来源期刊。⑨NIH在研资助项目和机构。⑩北美临床试验注册数据信息。 结果:①汤森路透Web of Science数据库过去10年共收录肿瘤干细胞研究相关文献3 642篇,2002年仅发表并收录肿瘤干细胞相关研究10篇,从2007年开始文献数量成倍增长,2011年收录该领域的相关文献927篇,已是2002年92.7倍。其中研究类文章共收录2 033篇。且集中以细胞生物学、生物化学分子生物学和动物实验研究类文献为主要研究方向。②目前已发表的文献美国为主,占全球相关领域发稿量的44.878%。中国在过去10年间被收录文章总量中排名第2,共发表375篇相关文章,占全球相关文章的10.299%。相关研究主要由美国国立卫生研究院、中国国家自然科学基金和美国国立癌症研究所资助。其高被引文章主要发表在Nature《自然》、Cancer Research《癌症研究》、Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America《美国科学院院刊》和Cell Stem Cell《细胞干细胞》。③美国国立卫生研究院目前持续对肿瘤干细胞研究提供大量的资金资助,目前仍在资助365项研究,总资助金额超过1亿5千万美元。④全球在北美临床试验注册中心注册肿瘤干细胞相关研究2 958项,其中美国相关研究共注册2 080项,居世界首位。来 自中国的肿瘤干细胞研究的注册项目为30项。结论:文献分析显示了肿瘤干细胞研究领域的国际发展趋势,为针对肿瘤干细胞的药物研发和治疗方法及癌症的临床治疗提供了可借鉴的参考建议。

关 键 词:肿瘤干细胞  干细胞  肿瘤   Web of Science数据库  NIH  北美临床试验注册  文献计量学  

Research progress in tumor stem cells: literature retrieval results based on international database
Nan Jin-niang,Hu Xu-guang,Li Hong-xiu. Research progress in tumor stem cells: literature retrieval results based on international database[J]. Chinese Journal of Tissue Engineering Research, 2012, 16(6): 1085-1094. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1673-8225.2012.06.030
Authors:Nan Jin-niang  Hu Xu-guang  Li Hong-xiu
Affiliation:Second People’s Hospital of Panjin, Panjin  124000, Liaoning Province, China
Abstract:BACKGROUND: Tumor stem cells are cancer cells that possess characteristics associated with normal stem cells, found in a particular cancer sample. Tumor stem cells may generate tumors through the stem cell processes of self-renewal and differentiation into multiple cell types. Such cells are proposed to persist in tumors as a distinct population and cause relapse and metastasis by giving rise to new tumors.OBJECTIVE: To identify the global research trends of tumor stem cells via a bibliometric analysis of Web of Science (WOS), National Institutes of Health (NIH) and Clinical Trials registry database (ClinicalTrials.gov).DESIGN: A bibliometric study.DATA RETRIEVAL: We performed a bibliometric analysis for data retrievals regarding in tumor stem cells from 2002 to 2011 via WOS, NIH and ClinicalTrials.gov. The data were downloaded on December 18, 2011.  SELECTION CRITERIA: Inclusive criteria: ①Peer-reviewed articles in tumor stem cells which were published and indexed in WOS, including articles of original research articles, reviews, meeting abstracts and proceeding paper. ②Funding for tumor stem cells, and ③clinical trials on tumor stem cells were included. Exclusive criteria: ①Articles need to be manually searched or accessed only through telephone; ②unpublished articles; ③Correction paper. MAIN OUTCOME MEASUREMENTS: ①Total article outputs; ②type of articles; ③distribution of output in subject categories; ④publication distribution of countries; ⑤funding; ⑥publication distribution of institutions; ⑦top cited paper; ⑧distribution of publications ⑨active projects financially supported by NIH; ⑩clinical trials registered.RESULTS: ①During 2002 to 2011, 3 642 papers studying tumor stem cells were indexed in WOS. There were only 10 articles published in 2002, whereas the number of publications doubled since 2007. 927 articles in tumor stem cells were published and covered in 2011. Original research was the most frequently document type of published papers, which 2 033 original research paper were indexed and published in the past 10 years. ②The result showed that nearly half the literature in the field were published by Americans institutes/universities. China was ranked No. 2 in terms of number of literature published. Most of the published articles were funded by NIH, national natural science foundation of China, and National Cancer Institution. It is interested that most cited articles were mostly published in Nature, Cancer Research, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America and Cell Stem Cell. ③Over USD$0.15billion were funded to 365 active projects in 2012 by NIH. ④There were 2 958 clinical studies regarding tumor stem cells registered in ClinicalTrials.gov. CONCLUSION: From the analysis of literature and research trends, we found that the development of specific therapies targeted at tumor stem cells holds hope for improvement of survival and quality of life of cancer patients.
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