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Mode Coupling at around M-Point in PZT
Authors:Sergey Vakhrushev  Alexey Filimonov  Konstantin Petroukhno  Andrey Rudskoy  Stanislav Udovenko  Igor Leontyev  Alexei Bosak
Affiliation:1.The Ioffe Physical-Technical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 194021 Saint-Petersburg, Russia;2.Higher School of Engineering Physics, Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, 195251 Saint-Petersburg, Russia; (A.F.); (K.P.); (A.R.); (S.U.);3.The Faculty of Physics, Southern Federal University, 344006 Rostov-on-Don, Russia;4.European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF), 38000 Grenoble, France;
Abstract:The question of the microscopic origin of the M-superstructure and additional satellite peaks in the Zr-rich lead zirconate-titanate is discussed for nearly 50 years. Clear contradiction between the selection rules of the critical scattering and the superstructure was found preventing unambiguous attributing of the observed superstructure either to the rotation of the oxygen octahedra or to the antiparallel displacements of the lead cations. Detailed analysis of the satellite pattern explained it as the result of the incommensurate phase transition rather than antiphase domains. Critical dynamics is the key point for the formulated problems. Recently, the oxygen tilt soft mode in the PbZr0.976Ti0.024O3 (PZT2.4) was found. But this does not resolve the extinction rules contradiction. The results of the inelastic X-ray scattering study of the phonon spectra of PZT2.4 around M-point are reported. Strong coupling between the lead and oxygen modes resulting in mode anticrossing and creation of the wide flat part in the lowest phonon dispersion curves is identified. This flat part corresponds to the mixture of the displacements of the lead and oxygen ions and can be an explanation of the extinction rules contradiction. Moreover, a flat dispersion surface is a typical prerequisite for the incommensurate phase transition.
Keywords:soft mode   perovskites   mode coupling   antiferrodistortive mode
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