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引用本文:杨艳芬,郭娅慧,张爱国. 碳酸锂结合氟哌啶醇致恶性综合征(英文)[J]. 上海精神医学, 2014, 26(6): 368-370. DOI: 10.11919/j.issn.1002-0829.214099
作者姓名:杨艳芬  郭娅慧  张爱国
作者单位:Rongjun Kangning Psychiatric Hospital, Shanxi Province, China
基金项目:A full-text Chinese translation of this article will be available at www.shanghaiarchivesofpsychiatry.org on January 25, 2015.
摘    要:一名39岁的女性双相障碍患者因再次出现伴精神病性症状的躁狂发作而住院,总病程20年。用常规剂量的碳酸锂和氯氮平治疗。入院3天后,患者出现攻击行为,并拒绝服药,因而停用氯氮平口服,予氟哌啶醇肌注。3天后,患者出现高热以及其他恶性综合征的表现,如大量出汗,肢体肌肉痉挛、震颤,肌强直以及意识障碍。立刻停用氟哌啶醇和锂盐,对症支持治疗,同时用多巴胺激动剂溴隐亭治疗。恶性综合征的症状在3天内缓解,但精神病性症状依然很严重。继而使用丙戊酸钠和奥氮平治疗,未再出现恶性综合征。又治疗1个月后,患者康复出院。过去有若干个病例也与此类似,这些病例提示抗精神病药物合并锂盐治疗引起恶性综合征的风险可能比单用一种抗精神病药物要高。当然病例报告本身无法证实这一点。

关 键 词:碳酸锂  氟哌啶醇  恶性综合征  中国

Neuroleptic malignant syndrome in a patient treated with lithium carbonate and haloperidol
Yanfen YANG Yahui GUO,Aiguo ZHANG. Neuroleptic malignant syndrome in a patient treated with lithium carbonate and haloperidol[J]. Shanghai Archives of Psychiatry, 2014, 26(6): 368-370. DOI: 10.11919/j.issn.1002-0829.214099
Authors:Yanfen YANG Yahui GUO  Aiguo ZHANG
Affiliation:( Rongjun Kangning Psychiatric Hospital, Shanxi Province, China)
Abstract:A 39-year-old female with a 20-year history of bipolar disorder was admitted due to a recurrence of a manic episode with psychotic symptoms. She was treated with standard doses of lithium carbonate and clozapine. Three days after admission, she showed aggressive behavior and refused to take her medications so her oral clozapine was switched to intramuscular haloperidol. Three days later she developed a high temperature and exhibited symptoms of neuroleptic malignant syndrome (NMS) including excessive sweating, cramps and tremors in limb muscles, muscle rigidity, and impaired consciousness. The haloperidol and lithium were stopped immediately, symptomatic treatment was provided, and she was administered the dopamine agonist bromocriptine. The NMS symptoms resolved within three days but she continued to have severe psychotic symptoms. She was subsequently re-challenged with valproate and olanzapine but the NMS did not re-occur. After one month of this treatment she recovered and was discharged. Several case histories similar to this one suggest - but do not prove - that individuals concurrently receiving lithium and antipsychotic medications may be at higher risk of developing NMS than those receiving monotherapy with antipsychotic medication.
Keywords:lithium carbonate  haloperidol  neurolept-ic malignant syndrome  China
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