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引用本文:朴玮,王丽娟,李瑾,孙静,王琛,魏艳丽,黄建,霍军生,杨晓光. 中国经济较发达地区农村寄宿制初中新生膳食状况[J]. 中国学校卫生, 2016, 37(6): 842-846. DOI: 10.16835/j.cnki.1000-9817.2016.06.011
作者姓名:朴玮  王丽娟  李瑾  孙静  王琛  魏艳丽  黄建  霍军生  杨晓光
摘    要:了解中国经济较发达地区农村寄宿制学校学生膳食营养状况,为制定合理的营养干预措施提供参考依据.方法 采用多阶段分层整群抽样的方法,在北京、上海、广东分别抽取87,89,211名农村寄宿制学校学生.使用膳食回顾法,通过食堂现场记录和学生问卷调查的形式,对调查对象进行3d膳食调查.使用方差分析和X2检验,分析各地调查对象食物分类和营养素摄人情况.结果 在膳食种类摄入方面,北京学生的谷类日摄入量为(255.41± 159.86)g,高于上海和广东学生;上海学生的蔬菜类食物日摄入量最低,为(113.60±63.08)g,而其蜜饯类食物摄入量最高,为(150.79±11.75)g;其他食物种类的摄入量,各地学生之间差异均有统计学意义(P值均<0.05).上海学生的能量摄入量满足平均需要量(EAR)的率最高,为97.75%;3地学生蛋白质摄入量中上海学生满足EAR的比例最高,为80.90%;其他部分指标的差异各地学生之间均存在统计学意义(P值均<0.05).结论 3地农村地区的寄宿制学校中可能存在学生营养供给不足的问题.应通过落实国家相关政策,促进学校供餐的营养合理搭配以及提高学生自身的营养认识,改善该类人群的营养水平.

关 键 词:膳食调查   营养状况   学生   农村人口

Status and differences of diet nutrition among rural boarding schools in the economically-developed areas in China
Abstract:Objective To survey the status of diet nutrition among rural boarding schools in the economically-developed areas in China,and provide references for making reasonable nutritional intervention measures.Methods Multi-stage cluster sampling was used.Three hundred and eighty-seven students were arranged to select from rural boarding schools,87 form Beijing,89 from Shanghai and 211 from Guangdong.The method of 3 days dietary recall was used,and the records of kitchens and samples were collected via questionnaires.Chi-square test and ANOVA were used to analyze the intake of food and nutrient in each group.Results The daily intake of grain in Beijing group was (255.41± 159.86) g,higher than that of Shanghai and Guangdong(P<0.05).The daily intake of vegetable in Shanghai group was (113.60±63.08) g,lowest among the three groups(P<0.05),while the intake of sweets was the highest(P<0.05).The highest ratios of reaching standards of energy and protein were in Shanghai group,reaching 97.75%(P<0.05) and 80.90%(P<0.05).There was statistical significance of the differences among students about other indicators.Conclusion Inadequate nutrient supplying maybe exists in the rural boarding schools in the suburb of the three cities.Thus we should fulfill the relative national policies,promote the balance of the nutrition supplying in schools,and enrich the boarding students' knowledge of nutrition to improve the status of nutrition among these groups evidently.
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