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引用本文:丁岩,关永源,熊大志,贺华,丘钦英. Cl~-通道阻断剂对5-HT和CPA引起的兔脑椎基底动脉平滑肌细胞Ca~(2+)内流的影响[J]. 中国药理学通报, 2003, 19(1): 83-89
作者姓名:丁岩  关永源  熊大志  贺华  丘钦英
作者单位:1. 中山大学中山医学院药理学教研室,广州,510089;中山大学肿瘤防治中心,广州,510060
2. 中山大学中山医学院药理学教研室,广州,510089
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(No 39970 849),国家科技部攀登计划(国科基字[1999] 0 45号),2 0 0 1年广东省自然科学基金团队项目CMB(No0 0 730)资助
摘    要:目的 在培养的兔脑椎基底动脉平滑肌细胞上观察5 HT和CPA诱导的Ca2 + 内流的特性 ,电压依赖性Ca2 + 通道 (VDC)抑制药尼莫地平 ,非电压依赖性Ca2 + 通道抑制药SK&F963 65及Cl-通道阻断剂DIDS、NPPB对两种激动剂引起 [Ca2 + ]i 反应的影响 ,以探讨脑血管平滑肌细胞中 5 HT引起Ca2 + 内流的特性、Cl-通道与Ca2 + 内流的关系。方法 采用生物荧光双波长影像分析系统瞬即测定单细胞胞质[Ca2 + ]i 技术。结果 ① 5 HT和CPA均能诱导平滑肌细胞[Ca2 + ]i 呈双相升高 ,并且 5 HT诱导的Ca2 + 释放是环匹阿尼酸 (CPA)敏感Ca2 + 池的一部分 ;②尼莫地平对 5 HT和CPA触发的Ca2 + 内流无明显影响 ,而SK&F963 65可阻止二者触发的Ca2 + 内流 ;③Cl-通道阻断剂DIDS、NPPB呈浓度依赖性抑制Ca2 + 内流 ,在SK&F963 65最大限度抑制Ca2 + 内流后 ,DIDS、NPPB可进一步抑制Ca2 + 内流 ;而Ca2 +内流被DIDS、NPPB分别最大抑制后 ,SK&F963 65也可进一步抑制Ca2 + 内流。结论  5 HT引起的Ca2 + 内流是经SK&F963 65敏感的非VDC ,其中包含Ca2 + 释放引起的Ca2 + 内流 (CRAC)成分与非CRAC成分 ,并且这两部分Ca2 +内流均与DIDS、NPPB敏感的Cl-通道开放有关

关 键 词:脑椎基底动脉  平滑肌细胞  Ca2+通道  Cl-通道阻断剂  5-HT  CPA

Effects of chloride channel blockers on 5-HT and CPA-induced Ca2+ influx in cultured rabbit basilar artery smooth muscle cells
DING Yan ,,GUAN Yong Yuan ,XIONG Da Zhi ,HE Hua ,QIU Qing Ying. Effects of chloride channel blockers on 5-HT and CPA-induced Ca2+ influx in cultured rabbit basilar artery smooth muscle cells[J]. Chinese Pharmacological Bulletin, 2003, 19(1): 83-89
Authors:DING Yan     GUAN Yong Yuan   XIONG Da Zhi   HE Hua   QIU Qing Ying
Affiliation:DING Yan 1,2,GUAN Yong Yuan 1,XIONG Da Zhi 1,HE Hua 1,QIU Qing Ying 1
Abstract:AIM In order to understand the 5 HT induced Ca 2+ influx characterization and the relationship between chloride channels and the Ca 2+ influx, we studied the effects of Ca 2+ blockers(nimodipine and SK&F96365) and Cl -channel blockers(DIDS and NPPB) on 5 HT and cyclopiazonic acid(CPA) induced Ca 2+ influx in cultured rabbit basilar artery smooth muscle cells. METHODS We measured [Ca 2+ ] i of cultured rabbit basilar artery smooth muscle cells growing on glass coverslips using ratiometric video fluorescence microscopy and the Ca 2+ sensitive dye, fura 2. RESULTS ①It was found that application of 5 HT and CPA gave rise to biphasic [Ca 2+ ] i elevation.5 HT only triggered a fraction of CPA sensitive Ca 2+ store, which was enough to activate Ca 2+ entry; ②Nimodipine had no effect on both 5 HT and CPA induced Ca 2+ entry, while SK&F96365 inhibited them; ③DIDS and NPPB inhibited 5 HT and CPA induced Ca 2+ influx in a concentration dependent manner. Ca 2+ influx was further inhibited by DIDS or NPPB after the maximal inhibition by SK&F96365. SK&F96365 also further inhibited the Ca 2+ influx which had been inhibited by DIDS or NPPB. CONCLUSION These data suggest that 5 HT induced Ca 2+ influx in cultured rabbit basilar artery smooth muscle cells is related to non VDC, which includes CRAC and non CRAC parts, and DIDS or NPPB sensitive Cl -channel is related to this Ca 2+ influx.
Keywords:basilar artery  smooth muscle cells  Ca 2+ channels  chloride channel blockers  5 HT  CPA
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