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引用本文:冯雪. 周惠芳治疗卵泡发育障碍性不孕症经验[J]. 河南中医, 2016, 0(5): 791-792. DOI: 10.16367/j.issn.1003-5028.2016.05.0337
摘    要:周惠芳顺应女子月经周期变化,治疗卵泡发育障碍性不孕症以滋养肝肾为主,结合经后健脾滋阴,排卵期活血通络,排卵后助阳的补肾调周法,在临证中,常见到一些辨证属脾肾阳虚的患者,辨证与调周相矛盾,周师认为,阴阳互根,阳中求阴,此时在经后期补阴的同时,适当加用小剂量的补阳药,如菟丝子、川续断,往往收到立竿见影之效。周师常在中医辨证论证的基础上配合西药治疗,加强疗效。周师在予以中药调理的同时,常耐心细致的与患者沟通交流,细心倾听,了解其内心苦闷,适时劝导,让其充分了解自己的病情,放松心情,保持精神心境舒畅,患者在解除精神负担后获得不错的治疗效果。

关 键 词:不孕症  卵泡发育障碍  周惠芳

Zhou Huifang's Experience in Treating Infertility Due to Follicular Developmental Disorder
Abstract:For the treatment of infertility due to follicular developmental disorder,Zhou Huifang conducts the treatment according to the menstrual periodic change and adopts the main method of nourishing the liver and the kidney combined with strengthening the spleen and nourishing yin after menstruation,activating blood flow and unblocking the collaterals during ovulatory period,and tonifying the kidney and regulating the cycle after ovulation.For the commonly seen patients in clinic with yang deficiency of the spleen and the kidney,the syndrome differentiation and cycle regulation are contradictory.He holds that yin and yang are interdependent and mutually promoting,seeking yin within yang.At the same time of nourishing yin at the late stage of the period,small dosage of yang-tonifying drugs should be added,such as Tusizi,Chuanduan,and this often can get instant effects.Doctor Zhou also combine western medicine treatment with the basic TCM syndrome differentiation and treatment to strengthen the efficacy.When giving Chinese medicine for the regulation,he often patiently communicates with the patients and listens to them carefully to understand their mental suffering due to the disease and gives them timely guidance in order that the patients keep relaxed,stay in a pleasant mind and distract attention away from the disease.Usually,the patients gain remarkable therapeutic results after the relief of mental burden.
Keywords:infertility  follicular developmental disorder  Zhou Huifang
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