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The cost of infertility diagnosis and treatment in Canada in 1995
Authors:Collins, JA   Feeny, D   Gunby, J
Affiliation:Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, Canada.
Abstract:The objectives of this study were to estimate the direct cost ofinfertility management, including diagnosis and treatment, in Canada during1995, and the relative cost per live birth by treatment category. Theanalysis was based on the following estimates: the prevalence ofinfertility in Canada in 1995; the volume and distribution of infertilityservices; and the effectiveness and cost of specific infertilitytreatments. In 1995 there were approximately 330,000 couples experiencinginfertility in Canada. It is estimated that <50% (150,000) soughtmedical advice or treatment during that year. A total of 13 diagnostic andtreatment categories account for nearly all of the treatments received, andthese categories form the treatment model. The cost of treatment per livebirth ranges from Cdn$650 for clomiphene treatment of unexplainedinfertility to Cdn$41,000 for in-vitro fertilization. For a hypotheticalgroup of 100 couples, the annual cost of diagnosis and treatment would beCdn$77,000 and Cdn$200,000 respectively for a total of Cdn$277,000, or anaverage of Cdn$2770 per couple. After 1 year of treatment, it is expectedthat 26 of these 100 couples would achieve a live birth. The total annualcost of infertility management in Canada, estimated to be approximatelyCdn$415 million, is 0.6% of the annual cost of health care.
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