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引用本文:周晓玲,阮博文,李裕珍,潘益巧,翟怀乐. 红外热成像技术与厥阴病[J]. 河南中医, 2020, 40(5): 653-656. DOI: 10.16367/j.issn.1003-5028.2020.05.0163
作者姓名:周晓玲  阮博文  李裕珍  潘益巧  翟怀乐
摘    要:红外热成像技术可以将无形的热量通过红外热成像图表现出来,依据红外热成像技术,可以直观地阐述病证寒热分布。厥阴病本质为阴寒盛极而渐衰,阳气虽弱而渐聚,若阴尽或阳生过程受阻,就会导致阴阳之气不相顺接,形成厥阴病中的寒热错杂证、寒化证、热化证及气厥证,其中寒热错杂证最为多见。厥阴病往往多经同时发病,以少阳经、太阴经合病,少阳经、太阴经、少阴经合病较为多见。少阳经、太阴经合病,太阴经寒邪极盛,少阳经阳气升发不利,阳气郁结于少阳,红外热成像图显示:少阳经所主的双侧胸胁呈现高温态,腹部呈现低温态,四肢末端呈现低温态。少阳经、太阴经、少阴经合病,患者多体质偏阳虚,督脉阳气易不足,红外热成像图显示:胸胁呈现高温态,腹部肾区呈现低温态,四肢呈现低温态,督脉温度断续不均匀。热厥证为厥阴病阳明有热,热郁结于阳明,不能达于四末,红外热成像图显示:腹部呈现高温态,督脉呈现高温态,四肢末端呈现低温态。寒厥证患者多为血虚体质,感受寒邪,少阳阳气郁而不发,发为厥阴病寒化证,红外热成像图显示:督脉断续弥散,下腹部、四肢呈现异常低温态。气厥证为少阳枢机不利,致全身气机不畅,郁久化热,红外热成像图显示:四肢末端呈现稍低温态...

关 键 词:厥阴病  红外热成像技术  寒热错杂证  寒厥证  热厥证  气厥证  《伤寒论》  张仲景

Infrared Thermal Imaging Technology and Jueyin Disease
ZHOU Xiao-ling,RUAN Bo-wen,LI Yu-zhen,PAN Yi-qiao,ZHAI Huai-le. Infrared Thermal Imaging Technology and Jueyin Disease[J]. Henan Traditional Chinese Medicine, 2020, 40(5): 653-656. DOI: 10.16367/j.issn.1003-5028.2020.05.0163
Authors:ZHOU Xiao-ling  RUAN Bo-wen  LI Yu-zhen  PAN Yi-qiao  ZHAI Huai-le
Affiliation:(Liuzhou Hospital of TCM,Liuzhou,Guangxi,China,545000;Guangxi University of CM,Nanning,Guangxi,China,530000)
Abstract:Infrared thermal imaging technology can show the invisible heat through infrared thermal imaging.According to the infrared thermal imaging technology,the cold and heat distribution of syndrome can be explained intuitively.The essence of jueyin disease is that excessive yin and cold gradually decline.Although yang qi is weak,it gradually gathers.If the process of yin exhaustion or yang generation is blocked,the qi of yin and yang will not be connected,forming syndrome of cold and heat in complexity,cold transformation syndrome,heat transformation syndrome,and qi syncope syndrome.Among them,syndrome of cold and heat in complexity is the most common.Jueyin disease often occurs in many meridians at the same time,especially combination of diseases of shaoyang and taiyin,those of shaoyang and taiyin and shaoyin.Combination of diseases of shaoyang and taiyin is due to excessive cold in taiyin preventing yang of shaoyang from generating,and making yang stagnated in shaoyang.Infrared thermography shows the bilateral chest and flank of shaoyang meridian are in high temperature state,while abdomen and extremities are in low temperature state.For patients with combination of diseases of shaoyang and taiyin and shaoyin,most of them have yang-deficiency constitution,and yang qi in GV is easily insufficient.Infrared thermography shows the chest and flank are in high temperature state,while abdomen and kidney area and extremities are in low temperature state.The temperature of GVis not even.Heat syncope syndrome is due to heat stagnated in yangming meridian which cannot reach extremities.Infrared thermography shows that abdomen are in high temperature state,while extremities are in low temperature state.For patients with cold syncope syndrome,most of them have blood-deficiency constitution.If they are attacked by cold,yang qi of shaoyang will be stagnated and cause jueyin disease with cold transformation syndrome.Infrared thermography shows that GV is scattered intermittently;lower t abdomen and extremities are in extremely low temperature state.The occurrence of qi syncope syndrome is due to unsmooth shaoyang crux which cause unsmooth qi movement of the whole body and stagnated heat.Infrared thermography shows that extremities are in slightly low temperature state,while the chest and flank and abdomen are in high temperature state.Infrared thermal imaging technology can display the image of human body′s cold and heat without trauma,record the changes of meridian temperature before and after treatment,which is conducive to the quantification of TCM theory,and has important guiding significance for the diagnosis and treatment of diseases.
Keywords:jueyin disease  infrared thermal imaging technology  syndrome of cold and heat in complexity  cold transformation syndrome  heat transformation syndrome  qi syncope syndrome  Treatise on Cold Damage Diseases  Zhang Zhong-jing
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