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Andrology: Factors influencing the outcome of in-vitro fertilization with epididymal spermatozoa in irreversible obstructive azoospermia
Authors:Hirsh, A.V.   Mills, C.   Bekir, J.   Dean, N.   Yovich, J.L.   Tan, S.L.
Affiliation:Hallam Medical Centre, The London Women‘s Clinic 113–115 Harley Street, London WIN IDG, UK
Abstract:Microsurgical epididymal sperm aspiration (MESA) and in-vitrofertilization (IVF) were found to offer limited opportunityfor fatherhood to 45 men with obstructive azoospermia, due principallyto poor embryo implantation. Adequate sperm preparations wereobtained in 46/50 treatment cycles (92%), with the best motilityfound in the caput epididymis in 89% of cases. The mean fertilizationrate was 11.2% and fertilization occurred in 23 cycles (50%),with embryo transfer arising from 12/26 men with was aplasia(CAV), 4/9 with genital tract obstruction (EV) and 7/11 withirreversible vasectomy (VV). The overall implantation rate waslow, 8.7% per embryo transfer (11.7% per 2-3 embryo transfers)and was not improved by Fallopian transfer. There were two pregnancies(4% per cycle), both in the EV group where embryo formationand implatation (2/4, 50% per cycle) were optimum even thoughsperm preparations were paradoxically inferior to the CAV andVV groups. The spermatozoa retrieved in the two successful EVcycles were appreciably blood contaminated. Analysis of the21 failed embryo transfers showed delayed fertilization in 10cycles, cystic fibrosis (CF) mutation or familial disease in7/12 CAV men and the VV men were older (P<0.001). A pregnancywhich miscarried arose from a case of Young's syndrome, a carrierof CF mutation DF508. Male factors could thus be implicatedin the high embryo wastage of MESA cycles and might also beinfluencing implantation in other IVF procedures. Where feasible,male reconstructive surgery is preferable unless fertilizationcan be improved, possibly by speedier retrieval techniques orby permitting sperm capacitation in vitro, but probably moreeffectively by micro-assisted insemination.
Keywords:cystic fibrosis/in-vitro ferilization/microsurgical epididymal sperm aspiration/obstructive azoospermia/vasaplasia/vasectomy
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