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引用本文:.. 冠心病心绞痛的中医辨证论治[J]. 广西中医药, 1999, 22(Z1)
作者单位:广西建工集团第一建筑工程有限责任公司门诊部 530001 中国广西南宁
摘    要:冠心病心绞痛,其临床表现与中医心阳不振、气滞血瘀等引起的症状极为相似。因此中医把它归属于“胸痹”、“心痛”、“厥心痛”、“真心痛”等范畴。兹就该病的中医辨证论治分述如下。1 病因病机  本病多因中老年脏腑功能渐衰,高粱厚味损伤脾胃,或七情内伤所致气滞、血瘀、痰浊内生,使脉络不通,不通则痛而发病〔1〕。《金匮要略·胸痹心痛短气病脉证治》认为:“胸痹”的主要表现为胸中气塞,心痛,短气,其病理关键为胸部的“阳气”极虚所致;故临床上往往表现出本虚标实之病证〔2〕。本虚以脏气亏虚为主;标实以血瘀痰阻为多见…

关 键 词:冠心病心绞痛  胸痹心痛  辨证论治

Angina Cordis ofCoronary Heart Disease Treated with Syndrome Differentiation
Zhou Guangrong Nanning,Guangxi,China. Angina Cordis ofCoronary Heart Disease Treated with Syndrome Differentiation[J]. Guangxi Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine, 1999, 22(Z1)
Authors:Zhou Guangrong Nanning  Guangxi  China
Affiliation:Zhou Guangrong Nanning,Guangxi,China 530001
Abstract:According to the analysis of manifestations from TCM, angina cordis of coronary heart disease was classified into 4 types: turbid phlegm blocks in the interior; Qi stagnation and blood stasis; deficiency of both Qi and Yin of heart and Yin deficiency of heart and kidney. Gualou Xiebai Banxia Decoction, Xuefu Zhuyu Decoction, Shengmai Powder and Zuogui Yin were used respectively for the corresponding type. Proper diet and balance between work and rest were needed. The treatment was based on the principle of strengthening the body resistance, supporting Qi, resolving blood stasis and dredging collateral.
Keywords:angina cordis of coronary heart disease  syndrome differentiation(P90)
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