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引用本文:李占全,栾波. 心力衰竭传统治疗药物新评价[J]. 中国实用内科杂志, 2014, 34(7): 644-647. DOI: 10.7504/nk2014060102
作者姓名:李占全  栾波
作者单位:作者单位:辽宁省人民医院心内科,沈阳 110016
摘    要:心力衰竭作为全球性难题,伴随着较高的病死率和再住院率,给医疗经济带来了沉重的负担。自从治疗模式转变为抑制神经内分泌系统-肾素-血管紧张素-醛固酮系统(RAAS)和交感神经系统以来,心力衰竭治疗取得了极大的进步。根据最新的临床试验和治疗指南,利尿剂、血管紧张素转换酶抑制剂(ACEI)、血管紧张素受体拮抗剂(ARB)、醛固酮受体拮抗剂、洋地黄、β受体阻滞剂等仍然是心衰治疗的中坚力量。文章旨在重新评价这些传统药物在心衰治疗中的地位和应用策略,以期减少心衰病死率和再住院率,改善心衰患者治疗现状。

Reassessment of conventional drugs in the treatment of heart failure
Abstract:Abstract:Heart failure (HF),a global health concern,leads to high rate of morbidity and mortality,and is associated with the heavy healthcare burden in decades.Treatment of heart failure has made great progress since its therapeutic model shifted to inhibition of the neuroendocrine system,including the sympathetic nervous and the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone systems (RAAS),which have long-term deleterious effects on the disease progression.According to the newest clinical trails and guidelines,diuretics,angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEIs),angiotensin-receptor blockers (ARBs),aldosterone receptor antagonists,digitalis and beta-adrenergic receptor blockers have been the mainstays in the treatment of heart failure though many new type medicines emerged.This article reassesses these traditional drugs and their pharmacotherapic strategies in the management of heart failure in order to effectively prevent HF readmissions and improve overall outcomes.
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