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引用本文:戴练平,王乔笙,曾穆峰. 娄底市初中生伤害流行病学调查[J]. 中国学校卫生, 2004, 25(3): 297-299
作者姓名:戴练平  王乔笙  曾穆峰
摘    要:目的了解娄底市初中生伤害的流行病学特征与发生原因,为制订干预措施提供科学依据.方法采用整群抽样方法,选取娄底市4所中学3 830名初中生进行伤害流行病学调查.结果总的伤害发生率为30.76%,且随年级上升而升高,初三学生伤害发生率明显高于其他年级学生;农村学生高于城区学生,分别为36.76%和25.61%.伤害类型以跌伤、刀(锐)器伤、碰伤为主,占66.91%,且居前3位.伤害发生的原因以玩耍与游乐(31.07%)、走路与骑自行车(19.19%)、运动(14.60%)占前3位.伤害程度中、重度伤占7.98%,致残(死亡)率为104.44/10万.伤害平均每人次引起缺课3.78课时,活动受限2.11 d,家长误工0.86 d,直接医疗支出37.19元.伤害的发生与父母监护及收入有关.结论娄底市初中生伤害发生率高,是多因素作用的结果.伤害预防重在行为规范,宜采取健康促进的方法,实行综合防制策略.

关 键 词:创伤和损伤  学生  流行病学  预防和控制

An Epidemiological Study of Injuries Among Middle School Students in Loudi City
DAI Lian ping,WANG Qiao sheng,ZENG Mu feng. Loudi Sanitation Antiepidimic Station,Hunan. An Epidemiological Study of Injuries Among Middle School Students in Loudi City[J]. Chinese Journal of School Health, 2004, 25(3): 297-299
Authors:DAI Lian ping  WANG Qiao sheng  ZENG Mu feng. Loudi Sanitation Antiepidimic Station  Hunan
Abstract:Objective To study the epidemiological characters and incidence causes of Loudi middle school students and to provide scientific basis for injuries prevention measures.Methods A cluster sampling of 3 830 students from 4 middle schools was investigated on injuries. Results The total incidence was 30.76% and it increased with grade. The incidence of rural (36.76%) was higher than that of urban (25.61%) .The main types of injuries were falls, knife cutting, collision, which accounted for 66.91%. The three leading causes were playing (31.07%) , walking and bicycling (19.19%), having sports (14.60%). Medium and serious injuries accounted for 7.98%, and mortality rate and disability rate are up to 107.44 per 100,000. After injuries, 3.78 hours of class were absent, functional disturbances were 2.11 days, parents leaving from work was 0.86 days, medical expenses were 37.19 per capita. The prevalence of injuries was related to parents' custody and family economic level.Conclusion Multiple factors resulted in high incidence of injuries among middle school students. Health education and health promotion are the important measures to injury prevention.
Keywords:Wounds and injuries  Students  Epidemiology  Prevention and control
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