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摘    要:胆囊结石和胆囊息肉是常见的胆囊良性疾病,内镜保胆手术已成为胆囊切除术以外的另一种有价值的手术方式。该指南总结了相关研究进展,对"内镜微创保胆手术指南(2015版)"做出了更新,对术前准备、手术适应证和禁忌证、手术操作要点、术后随访及预防再发等方面进行了详细阐述,以期提高胆囊良性疾病的诊治水平,促进内镜保胆手术规范、健康发展。

关 键 词:胆囊良性疾病  胆囊结石  胆囊息肉  胆道镜

The clinical guideline for choledochoscopic gallbladder-preserving surgery (2021 edition)
Abstract:Choledochoscopic gallbladder-preserving surgery (CGPS) has become an alternative and valuable surgical treatment along with cholecystectomy in treating cholecystolithiasis and gallbladder polyps, the two common benign gallbladder diseases. This guideline here has summarized the latest advances on this field. It has updated from its previous version in 2015 on the subjects which include the preoperative preparations of the surgery, indications and contraindications for the surgery, key steps of procedure, postoperative follow-up plan and the preventive measure for disease recurrence and so on. This guideline aims at improving current diagnosis and treatment of benign gallbladder diseases in China, as well as promoting a healthy and normative development of CGPS in Chinese medical community.
Keywords:benign gallbladder diseases  cholecystolithiasis  gallbladder polyps  choledochoscopy
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