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Flow cytometric assessment of estrogen receptor beta expression in bovine blood neutrophils
Authors:Lamote Inge  Demeyere Kristel  Notebaert Sofie  Burvenich Christian  Meyer Evelyne
Affiliation:Laboratory of Biochemistry, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Ghent University, Merelbeke, Belgium.
Abstract:The optimisation of a flow cytometric protocol for the determination of the estrogen receptor beta (ERbeta) expression in bovine blood neutrophils is described. The following final incubation conditions were obtained: fixation with 0.25% formaldehyde and 70% methanol, both for 1 h; permeabilisation with 0.05% Triton X-100, overnight labelling at 4 degrees C with the primary antibody diluted at 10 microg/ml and subsequent labelling for 30 min on ice with the fluorescein isothiocyanate-conjugated secondary antibody at 8 microg/ml. Of the three anti-human or anti-rat ERbeta primary antibodies evaluated, only PA1-311 was found to cross-react with bovine cells. Immunoblot analysis supports the obtained results. The flow cytometric technique allows reproducible quantitative determination of the ERbeta protein in neutrophils and may be a valuable tool for future expression studies in these cells of the innate immune system.
Keywords:Ab(s)   antibody/ies   BME   bovine mammary epithelial cells   BSA   bovine serum albumin   ER(s)   estrogen receptor(s)   FCM   flow cytometry   FITC   fluorescein isothiocyanate   FA   formaldehyde   FSC   forward scatter cytogram   MFI   mean fluorescence intensity   PBS   phosphate-buffered saline   SSC   side scatter cytogram   SEM   standard error of the mean.
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