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引用本文:孟杨, 郑康杰, 刘燕萍, 虞慧婷. 中小学教师新冠肺炎防控知识、行为及心理状况的调查[J]. 上海预防医学, 2020, 32(8): 681-687. DOI: 10.19428/j.cnki.sjpm.2020.20421
作者姓名:孟杨  郑康杰  刘燕萍  虞慧婷
作者单位:1.上海市宝山区疾病预防控制中心,上海 201901;2.上海市宝山区教育局,上海 201900;3.上海市疾病预防控制中心,上海 200336
摘    要:目的了解中小学教师新冠肺炎防控知识、行为及心理状况,为学校做好疫情防控管理和开学准备工作提供参考。方法采用自行设计的新冠肺炎防控问卷对2 338名教师进行调查。结果中小学教师新冠肺炎防控知识总知晓率为88.79%,知识得分为(10.65±1.09)分,其中卫生老师高于其他岗位老师(F=23.87,P=0.000 1),答题时IP地址为湖北地区的高于江浙沪地区(F=10.69,P=0.014)。知识获取途径前3位为新闻类App(头条、腾讯) 87.25%、微信78.06%、电视广播74.94%。健康行为总得分为(43.59±3.12)分,卫生老师高于其他岗位老师(F=11.48,P=0.02),身处湖北地区高于江浙沪地区(F=17.08,P=0.000 7)。疫情期间不同场合口罩佩戴比例,最高为乘坐公共交通时100%,最低为在家亲朋好友聚会时90.93%;口罩类型前3位为一次性使用医用口罩89.14%、医用外科口罩43.63%、N95医用防护口罩34.09%。手卫生行为最高为如厕后洗手99.83%,最低为触摸头发、耳、鼻后洗手75.92%。其他健康行为的比例,最高为减少亲友聚会94.14%,最低为打喷嚏或者咳嗽时遮住口鼻71.60%。健康行为与知识掌握相关性分析差异有统计学意义(r=0.081,P < 0.001)。教师与本次疫情关注度、担忧度与教学影响程度的相关性分析,关注度与教学影响程度有关(r=0.768,P=0.000 2);担忧度与教学影响程度有关(r=0.175,P < 0.001);关注度与担忧度之间无相关性。结论中小学教师新冠肺炎防控知识得分普遍较高,口罩佩戴行为较好,尚需加强手卫生健康教育。另外存在教师关注并担忧本次疫情对教学影响的问题。

关 键 词:教师  新型冠状病毒肺炎  知识和行为  心理  健康教育

A novel coronavirus from patients with pneumonia in China, 2019
MENG Yang, ZHENG Kang-jie, LIU Yan-ping, YU Hui-ting. Knowledge, behavior and psychological status regarding COVID-19 in elementary and secondary school teachers[J]. Shanghai Journal of Preventive Medicine, 2020, 32(8): 681-687. DOI: 10.19428/j.cnki.sjpm.2020.20421
Authors:MENG Yang  ZHENG Kang-jie  LIU Yan-ping  YU Hui-ting
Affiliation:1.Baoshan District Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Shanghai 201901, China;2.Baoshan District Education Bureau, Shanghai 201900, China;3.Shanghai Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Shanghai 200336, China
Abstract:ObjectiveTo evaluate the knowledge, behavior and psychological status regarding COVID-19 epidemic in elementary and secondary school teachers, and to provide a reference for disease prevention and control at schools as well as for preparation of school returning.MethodsA survey in 2 338 teachers was conducted using self-designed questionnaires about COVID-19.ResultsThe overall awareness rate of COVID-19 knowledge was 88.79%, knowledge score was 10.65±1.09, and the school health teachers had higher score than other school staff (F=23.87, P=0.000 1).Respondents with IP address in Hubei had higher score than those in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai(F=10.69, P=0.014).The top three knowledge resources were news apps (Toutiao, Tencent) (87.25%), WeChat (78.06%) and telecast (74.94%).The overall healthy behavior score was 43.59±3.12, and school doctors again had higher score than other school staff (F=11.48, P=0.02).Respondents with IP address in Hubei had higher score than those in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai (F=17.08, P=0.000 7). During the epidemic, 100% respondents wore masks when taking public transportation, the highest rate of wearing masks, while 90.93% wore masks at family and friends gathering, the lowest rate of wearing masks.The top three types of masks being used were disposable medical masks (89.14%), surgical masks (43.63%) and N95 medical protective masks (34.09%).The highest rate of hand washing behavior was 99.83% for washing hands after going to toilet, while the lowest was 75.92% for washing hands after touching hair, ears and nose.The highest rate of other healthy behaviors was 94.14% for reducing family and friend gatherings, while the lowest was 71.60% for covering mouth and nose when sneezing or coughing. The correlation between health behavior and knowledge was statistically significant (r=0.081, P < 0.001).Correlation analysis showed that the degree of concern was related to the degree of teaching influence (r=0.768, P=0.0002), and the degree of anxiety was related to the degree of teaching influence (r=0.175, P < 0.001), while there was no correlation between the degree of concern and the degree of anxiety.ConclusionElementary and secondary school teachers generally have high score in the COVID-19 knowledge test, and behaved well in wearing masks.Hand hygiene education should be further improved.There are concerns about the impact of COVID-19 epidemic on teaching.
Keywords:teachers  COVID-19  knowledge and practice  psychology  health education
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