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Migraine with a combination of aura symptoms as a clinical manifestation of cortical spreading depression
Authors:Gajos Agata  Jaworska-Chrebelska Tatiana  Bogucki Andrzej
Affiliation:Oddzia? Neurologiczny, Klinika Neurologii, Instytut CZMP, WSS im. M. Sk?odowskiej-Curie w Zgierzu. agata-gajos@wp.pl
Abstract:The pathomechanism of the migraine aura remains unclear. The most probable cause of the aura is cortical spreading depression with associated hypoperfusion. Both the cortical spreading depression and hypoperfusion begin in the occipital lobes and spread forward slowly (2-3 mm/min) in a wave-like mode along the brain convolutions and cross territories of brain arteries. We present a 24-year-old female patient with a combination of aura symptoms. Each migraine attack began with a bright scintillating zig-zag, which crossed the visual field. It was followed by left sided hemiparesthesiae marching from the face to the hand. The last symptom of aura was motor aphasia. Later a unilateral, pulsating headache developed with associated photo- and phonophobia. The stable pattern and duration of aura symptoms in the presented case suggest that the cortical spreading depression plays an important role in the pathomechanism of migraine with aura.
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