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Identification of specific serum proteins synthesized de novo by monolayer cultures of glandular cells of gestational endometrium
Authors:Fay, T.N.   Lindenberg, S.   Teisner, B.   Westergaard, L.G.   Westergaard, J.G.   Grudzinskas, J.G.
Affiliation:Academic Unit of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, London Hospital Medical College Whitechapel, London El, UK 1Department OB/GYN, Rigshopitalet, University of Copenhagen Odense, Denmark 2institute of Medical Microbiology Odense, Denmark 3Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Odense University Odense, Denmark
Abstract:Monolayer cell cultures (n = 3) of glandular epithelium of gestationalendometrium obtained from three apparently healthy women undergoingelective termination of pregnancy (7–9 weeks gestation)were established. De novo synthesis of eight serum proteins(albumin, alpha1-antitrypsin, cerulo-plasmin, beta-lipoprotein,alpha2-macroglobulin, fibronectin and complement factors C3and C4) was demonstrated by the incorporation of radiolabelledsubstrate ([35-S]methionine) employing autoradiography (AR)in combination with crossed immunoelectrophoresis (XIE), referredto as ARXIE, and line immunoelectrophoresis (LIE), referredto as ARLIE. By contrast, there was no evidence for de novosynthesis of IgA, haptoglobin and orosomucoid. Our findingssuggest that the gestational endometrium may contribute to theproduction of several proteins considered to be synthesizedand secreted mainly by the liver and reticulo-endothelial system.The simple techniques used here to identify the de novo synthesisof human serum proteins could be applied to investigate proteinsynthesis by a wide range of tissues and cells
Keywords:autoradiography/gestational endometrium/glandularepithelium/immunoelectrophoresis/serum proteins
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