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Smokers and non-smokers: differences in alcohol consumption and intake of other health-related substances in Norway: A general population study
Abstract:Background: This study addresses the problem of clustering ofrisky habits, i.e. the drinking and substance use habits ofsmokers and non-smokers. Methods: A sample survey of the generalnon-hospitalized, Norwegian population (>15 years), excludingabstainers from alcohol was used. We investigated differencesin yearly consumption of beer, wine, liquor and total alcoholconsumption and intake of sedatives, snuff, coffee and tea fora sample of daily smokers (n=763) and non-smokers (n=938) (meanage 38.7 years and SD 16.2 years). Results: Compared to non-smokers,male daily smokers drank significantly more beer, wine and liquorthan non-smokers and used snuff more frequently than non-smokers.Female daily smokers drank more beer than non-smokers, but therewere no significant differences for wine and liquor. For bothgenders, the total yearly intake of alcohol was approximatelytwice as high for daily smokers compared to non-smokers. Dailysmokers also used marihuana more frequently and they drank significantlymore coffee but less tea than non-smokers. There were no significantdifferences in use of sedatives. Conclusion: Increased drinkingand several risky health habits are linked to daily smoking.Smoking cessation should be tried out as a preventive strategyfor alcohol consumption as well.
Keywords:alcohol   coffee   marihuana   sedatives   smoking   tea
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