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Obstetric and perinatal outcome of pregnancies following intracytoplasmic sperm mjection
Authors:Wennerholm, U.-B.   Bergh, C.   Hamberger, L.   Nilsson, L.   Reismer, E.   Wennergren, M.   Wikland, M.
Affiliation:1Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Sahlgrenska Hospital Sweden 2Fertility Center Scandinavia, Carianderska Hospital, University of Göteborg Sweden
Abstract:The aim of this study was to describe the obstetric and perinataloutcome for births following intracytoplasmic sperm injection(ICSI). Of 210 infants born, 140 were singletons and 70 weretwins. There were no triplets or higher births. The multiplebirth frequency was 20%. Overall, 17% of deliveries were preterm,although for singleton pregnancies the incidence was reducedto 9%. The median birth weight of all live born infants was3168 g and of singletons 3470 g. Of all infants, 17% had a lowbirth weight (<2500 g) and 2% had a very low birth weight(<1500 g). Two major malformations occurred in two singletonchildren and four minor malformations occurred in four children.This was within the range of expected values in Sweden. Karyotypingwas performed in 58 pregnancies. All of them were normal. Theperinatal mortality was 0.5%. In conclusion, in this observationalstudy from Sweden of the first infants born after ICSI in ourprogramme, the incidence of multiple births, preterm births,low birth weight babies and congenital malformations was lowcompared with other series of in-vitro fertilization pregnanciesnot associated with ICSI.
Keywords:intracytoplasmic sperm injection/malformation/obstetric outcome
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