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引用本文:潘军,漆松涛,邓永键,丁彦青,彭林,李晓强. 颅咽管瘤增殖细胞核抗原表达与肿瘤复发的关系[J]. 南方医科大学学报, 2002, 22(4): 363-365
作者姓名:潘军  漆松涛  邓永键  丁彦青  彭林  李晓强
作者单位:1. 第一军医大学,南方医院神经外科,广东,广州,510515
2. 第一军医大学病理教研室,广东,广州,510515
摘    要:目的分析颅咽管瘤组织中增殖细胞核抗原(proliferatingcellnuclearantigen,PCNA)指数及其与肿瘤复发的关系。方法采用免疫组化方法检测43例颅咽管瘤组织中PCNA表达,分析不同病理特征颅咽管瘤PCNA指数的差异及与术后复发的关系。结果成釉细胞型颅咽管瘤PCNA指数显著高于鳞状乳头型颅咽管瘤(P<0.01);鳞状乳头型颅咽管瘤未见术后复发;在成釉细胞型颅咽管瘤中,复发组PCNA指数高于非复发组,但无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论不同病理特征颅咽管瘤细胞增殖潜能不同,成釉细胞型颅咽管瘤细胞活跃的增殖能力是导致术后复发的主要原因。

关 键 词:颅咽管瘤  增殖细胞核抗原  复发

Expression of proliferating cell nuclear antigen in craniopharyngioma and tmnor recurrence
PANJ un ,QI Song-t ao ,DENGYong-j i an ,DI NGYan-qi ng ,PENGLi n ,LI Xi ao-qi ang Depar t ment of Neur os ur ger y,Nanf ang Hos pi t al, Depar t ment of Pat hol ogy,Fi r s t Mi l i t ar y Medi cal Unive. Expression of proliferating cell nuclear antigen in craniopharyngioma and tmnor recurrence[J]. Journal of Southern Medical University, 2002, 22(4): 363-365
Authors:PANJ un   QI Song-t ao   DENGYong-j i an   DI NGYan-qi ng   PENGLi n   LI Xi ao-qi ang Depar t ment of Neur os ur ger y  Nanf ang Hos pi t al   Depar t ment of Pat hol ogy  Fi r s t Mi l i t ar y Medi cal Unive
Affiliation:PANJ un 1,QI Song-t ao 1,DENGYong-j i an 2,DI NGYan-qi ng 2,PENGLi n 1,LI Xi ao-qi ang 11 Depar t ment of Neur os ur ger y,Nanf ang Hos pi t al,2 Depar t ment of Pat hol ogy,Fi r s t Mi l i t ar y Medi cal Unive
Abstract:Object i ve To i nves t i gat e pr ol i f er at i ng cel l nucl ear ant i gen l abel i ng i ndi ces(PCNA-LI)i n cr ani ophar yngi omas i n as s oci at i on wi t h t umor r ecur r ence.Met hods I mmunohi s t ochemi s t r y was empl oyed t o exami ne t he expr es s i on of PCNAi n43cr ani ophar yngi oma s ampl es of di f f er ent pat hol ogi cal t ypes,and t he r el at i ons hi p bet ween PCNA-LI and t umor r ecur r ence was eval uat ed.Res ul t s PCNA-LI was much hi gher i n adamant i nous t umor s t han i n s quamous papi l l ar y t umor s t hat di d not gi ve r i s e t o pos t oper at i ve r ecur r ence.Al t hough PCNA-LI was hi gher i n t he r ecur r ent l es i ons t han i n t he pr i mar y t umor i n adamant i noma gr oup,t he di f f er ence was not s t at i s t i cal l y s i gni f i cant.Concl us i ons Cr ani ophar yngi oma cel l s wi t h di f f er ent pat hol ogi cal f eat ur es may poss es s var i ed pr ol i f er at i ng pot ent i al s,and act i ve pr ol i f er at i on i s t he mai n f act or f or pos t oper at i ve r ecurr ence of adamant i noma.
Keywords:crani ophar yngi oma  r ecur r ence  pr ol i f er t i ng cel l nucl ear ant i gen  
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