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Clinical significance of serum iron and ferritin in patients with colorectal cancer
Authors:Teruyuki Kishida  Jun Sato  Shunji Fujimori  Sadamu Minami  Susumu Yamakado  Yasuhito Tamagawa  Fumihiko Taguchi  Yutaka Yoshida  Masafumi Kobayashi
Affiliation:1. Third Department of Internal Medicine, Nippon Medical School, 1-1-5, Sendagi, Bunkyo-ku, 113, Tokyo, Japan
Abstract:To clarify the significance of serum iron and ferritin as indicators of iron loss caused by continuous bleeding, and, thus, to determine their value as markers of colorectal cancer, values for the two were compared in male patients with early and advanced colorectal cancer and age-matched male controls. The mean value of serum iron levels in patients with advanced colorectal cancer was significantly decreased compared with values in patients with early colorectal cancer and controls, 50.5 ± 38.6mgrg/dl vs 93.0 ± 32.1 mgrg/dl and 107.1 ± 32.9mgrg/dl, respectively (p < 0.001).=" the=" mean=" value=" of=" serum=" ferritin=" levels=" in=" patients=" with=" early=" and=" advanced=" colorectal=" cancer=" was=" also=" significantly=" decreased=" compared=" with=" controls,=" 80.5=" ±=" 35.0ng/ml=" (p=">< 0.01)=" and=" 48.8=" ±=" 72.8=" ng/ml=" (p=">< 0.001),=" respectively,=" vs=" 117.1=" ±=" 46.8=" ng/ml.=" however,=" there=" was=" no=" significant=" difference=" between=" mean=" serum=" iron=" levels=" in=" patients=" with=" early=" colorectal=" cancer=" and=" controls.=" eighteen=" (78.3%)=" of=" the=" 23=" patients=" with=" advanced=" colorectal=" cancer=" and=" 3=" (16.7%)=" of=" the=" 18=" patients=" with=" early=" colorectal=" cancer=" had=" serum=" iron=" levels=" below=">mgrg/dl and serum ferritin levels below 60ng/ml. Levels of both serum iron and ferritin, without clinically evident anemia, are useful indicators of advanced colorectal cancer.
Keywords:colorectal cancer  serum iron  serum ferritin
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