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Effects of intestinal bacteria-derived p-cresyl sulfate on Th1-type immune response in vivo and in vitro
Authors:Takahiro Shiba  Koji KawakamiTakashi Sasaki  Ikuyo MakinoIkuo Kato  Toshihide KobayashiKazumi Uchida  Kimiyuki Kaneko
Affiliation:Safety Research Department, Yakult Central Institute for Microbiological Research, 1796 Yaho, Kunitachi-Shi, Tokyo 186-8650, Japan
Abstract:Protein fermentation by intestinal bacteria generates various compounds that are not synthesized by their hosts. An example is p-cresol, which is produced from tyrosine. Patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) accumulate high concentrations of intestinal bacteria-derived p-cresyl sulfate (pCS), which is the major metabolite of p-cresol, in their blood, and this accumulation contributes to certain CKD-associated disorders. Immune dysfunction is a CKD-associated disorder that frequently contributes to infectious diseases among CKD patients. Although some studies imply pCS as an etiological factor, the relation between pCS and immune systems is poorly understood. In the present study, we investigated the immunological effects of pCS derived from intestinal bacteria in mice. For this purpose, we fed mice a tyrosine-rich diet that causes the accumulation of pCS in their blood. The mice were shown to exhibit decreased Th1-driven 2, 4-dinitrofluorobenzene-induced contact hypersensitivity response. The concentration of pCS in blood was negatively correlated with the degree of the contact hypersensitivity response. In contrast, the T cell-dependent antibody response was not influenced by the accumulated pCS. We also examined the in vitro cytokine responses by T cells in the presence of pCS. The production of IFN-γ was suppressed by pCS. Further, pCS decreased the percentage of IFN-γ-producing Th1 cells. Our results suggest that intestinal bacteria-derived pCS suppressesTh1-type cellular immune responses.
Keywords:APC, allophycocyanin   CHS, contact hypersensitivity   CKD, chronic kidney disease   DNFB, 2, 4-dinitrofluorobenzene   FITC, fluorescein isothiocyanate   HRP, horseradish peroxidase   KLH, keyhole limpet hemocyanin   mAb, monoclonal antibody   PBS, phosphate-buffered saline   pCS, p-cresyl sulfate   PE, phycoerythrin   PMA, phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate   Treg cell, regulatory T cell
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