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摘    要:黄峰教授认为肝癌的病因主要包含内外两个方面:内因为脾肾素亏,肝失疏畅,瘀毒内蕴;外因即饮食无节,调摄失度,疫戾之气乘机侵入。治疗上强调以祛邪兼扶正为原则,平衡邪正关系;注重培补先天禀赋与后天之本,顾护中焦,温肾化气;善用疏木自荣理论,疏肝以调畅气机;具体用药强调合理运用虫类药,并在药物治疗的同时重视情志调节。

关 键 词:原发性肝癌  祛邪扶正  顾护中焦  温肾化气  疏肝调气  虫类药  情志  黄峰

Experience of Professor HUANG Feng on Diagnosing and Treating Primary Liver Cancer
Affiliation:,Shaanxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Affiliated Hospital of Shaanxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Abstract:Professor HUANG Feng holds that the disease cause of primary cancer usually involves the internal and external aspects. The internal one refers to the deficiency of spleen and kidneys,liver failing to regulating,and internal accumulation of stasis and toxin. The external one refers to the improper diet,malfunction of regulation and invasion of pestilence qi. For the treatment,the therapeutic principles are to dispel evil qi with reinforcing healthy qi to balance the healthy qi and evil qi. Also he emphasizes to nourish the innate endowment and postnatal root,to protect the middle energizer and to warm kidneys to transform qi. He is good at applying the theory of regulating wood to be prosperous,regulating liver to smoothen qi movement. On the medication,he emphasizes to use insect drugs moderately and also emphasizes regulating emotions during the medication.
Keywords:primary liver cancer  dispel evil qi and reinforce healthy qi  protect the middle energizer  warm kidneys to transform qi  regulating liver to smoothen qi  insect drugs  emotions  HUANG Feng
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