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Nasal glioma: An immunohistochemical and ultrastructural study
Authors:Yoshihiko Tashiro  Katsuo Sueishi  Keisuke Nakao
Affiliation:First Department of Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan;Depaltment of Otorhinolaryngology, Fukuoka Municipal Hospital for Children, Fukuoka, Japan
Abstract:A case of a 14 month old Japanese female infant presenting with nasal glioma Is reported. The tumor had been noticed at the nasal radix since birth and had slowly and progressively enlarged. There was no communication between the tumor and the cranial cavity on radiological examination. The tumor was macroscopically anchored to the nasal septum by a fibrous stalk, and histologically consisted of nests or trabeculae of either polygonal or spindle cells with plump eosinophilic cytoplasm and oval nuclei, separated by vascular-rich connective tissue intermingled with multinu-cleated giant cells. These tumor cells were immunohisto-chemically positive for glial fibrillary acidic protein as well as for S-100 protein and vimentin. An electron microscopic examination revealed collagen fibers and basal lamina between the tumor cells and the fibroblasts. Tumor cells possessed abundant intermediate filaments, which showed occasional Rosenthal fiber-like structures, in their cytoplasm and processes. A few oligodendrocytes and cilia of 9 micro-tubule doublets either with or without 2 central microtubules were also noted. These clinicopathological findings suggested that this tumor was once an encephalo(meningo)cele, which probably degenerated as a result of the loss of intracranial communication and then appeared to be isolated from the intracranial tissue.
Keywords:encephalocele    immunohistochemistry    nasal glioma    ultrastructure
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