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Effect of bradykinin and histamine on the membrane voltage,ion conductances and ion channels of human glomerular epithelial cells (hGEC) in culture
Authors:H. Pavenstädt  F. Bengen  M. Späth  P. Schollmeyer  R. Greger
Affiliation:(1) Abteilung für Nephrologie, Medizinische Universitätsklinik Abteilung IV, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität, Hugstetterstrasse 55, W-7800 Freiburg, Germany;(2) Physiologisches Institut der Albert-Ludwigs-Universität, W-7800 Freiburg, Germany
Abstract:The effects of bradykinin (BK) and histamine (Hist) on the membrane voltage (Vm), ion conductances and ion channels of cultured human glomerular epithelial cells (hGEC) were examined with the nystatin patch clamp technique. Cells were studied between passage 3 and 20 in a bath rinsed with Ringer-like solution at 37°C. The mean value of Vm was –41±0.5 mV (n=189). BK (10–6 mol/l, n=29) and Hist (10–5 mol/l, n= 55) induced a rapid transient hyperpolarization by 15±1 mV and 18±1 mV, respectively. The hyperpolarization was followed by a long lasting depolarization by 6±1 mV (BK 10–6 mol/l) and 7±1 mV (Hist 10–5 mol/l). The ED50 was about 5×10–8 mol/l for BK and 5×10–7 mol/l for Hist. In the presence of both agonists, increases of outward and inward currents were observed. A change in the extracellular K+ concentration from 3.6 to 30 mmol/l depolarized Vm by 8±1 mV and completely inhibited the hyperpolarizing effect of both agents (n=11). Reduction of extracellular Cl concentration from 145 to 30 mmol/l led to a depolarization by 2 ±1 mV (n=25). In 30 mmol/l Cl the depolarizations induced by BK (10–7 mol/l) and Hist (10–6 mol/l) were augmented to 9±2 mV (n=14) and to 10±2 mV (n=11), respectively. Ba2+ (5 mmol/l) depolarized Vm by 19±5 mV (n=6) and completely inhibited the hyperpolarization induced by BK (10–6 mol/l, n=3) and reduced that of Hist (10–5 mol/l) markedly (n=3). Preincubation with the K+ channel blocker charybdotoxin (1–10 nmol/l) for 3 min had no significant effect on Vm, but reduced markedly the BK(10–6 mol/l, n=11) and Hist-(10–5 mol/l, n=6) induced hyperpolarizations. In 10 out of 31 experiments in the cell attached nystatin patch configuration big K+ channels with a conductance 
$$(g_{K^ +  } )$$
of 247±17 pS were found. The open probability of these K+ channels was increased 3- to 5-fold during the hyperpolarization induced by BK (10–7 mol/l) or Hist (10–5 mol/l, both n= 4). In excised inside/out patches this K+ channel had a mean conductance of 136±8.5 pS (n=10, clamp voltage 0 mV). The channel was outwardly rectifying and its open probability was increased when Ca2+ on the cytosolic side was greater than 0.1 mgrmol/l. The data indicate that BK and Hist activate a 
$$(g_{K^ +  } )$$
and a 
$$g_{Cl^ -  } $$
in hGEC. The hyperpolarization is induced by the activation of a Ca2+-dependent maxi K+ channel.
Keywords:Human glomerular epithelial cells  Bradykinin  Histamine  Nystatin patch clamp technique  K+ conductance  Maxi K+ channel  Cl   conductance
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