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Noninvasive His bundle electrogram: Value of three vector lead recordings
Authors:Rahul Mehra  George J. Kelen  Robert Zeiler  David Zephiran  Paul Fried  J.A. Gomes  Nabil El-Sherif
Affiliation:From the Veterans Administration Center and State University of New York, Downstate Medical Center, Brooklyn, New York, USA
Abstract:Studies were conducted in 45 patients to determine whether the reliability of the measurement of the His bundle potential from the body surface was increased by signal averaging of three simultaneously recorded electrocardiographic potentials from horizontal (X), frontal (Y) and sagittal (Z) axes as opposed to recording of any of these. Potentials from the X, Y and Z leads were amplified by 250,000, filtered between 80 hertz (12 dB/octave) and 200 hertz (24 dB/octave) and signal averaging of 1,000 beats was performed. The His bundle potential could be clearly defined in 25 of the 45 patients in the X, Y or Z lead. His bundle potentials were evident in the X lead in 17 (68 percent) of these 25 patients, in the Y lead in 19 (77 percent) and in the Z lead in 11 (44 percent). No single lead gave satisfactory His bundle electrographic potentials in all patients. In 20 patients the His bundle electrogram could not be recorded because terminal atrial activity overlapped activity of the His bundle potential. The three lead system defined the His bundle potential in a significantly greater number of patients than did the best single lead because it (1) displayed the vectorial lead with the largest His bundle potential, (2) permitted validation of the His bundle potential in more than one lead, and (3) displayed the vectorial lead with the most isoelectric terminal P wave. It is concluded that reliable His bundle potential measurements are obtained in a significantly greater number of patients with use of the simultaneous three lead system than with use of any single lead.
Keywords:Address for reprints: Rahul Mehra   PhD   Department of Cardiology   Brooklyn Veterans Administration Hospital   800 Poly Place   Brooklyn   New York 11209.
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