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引用本文:曾祥国 许志奇. 寒冷,吸烟对小鼠慢性支气管炎发生发展的影响[J]. 临床与实验病理学杂志, 1997, 13(2): 153-155
作者姓名:曾祥国 许志奇
摘    要:目的:研究小鼠在寒冷与室温不同的条件下慢性支气管炎的发生发展情况。方法:在寒冷与室温不同的条件下单纯用香烟熏吸造成小鼠的慢性支气管炎。结果:在寒冷吸烟慢性支气管炎的病理改变比室温条件下更严重。结论:实验结果显示寒冷吸烟易加重慢性支气管炎病变的发生和发展。

关 键 词:香烟 温度 慢性 支气管炎 粘液组织化学 RNA

Cold can enhance the association between smoking and the development of the chronic bronchitis of mice
Abstract:Purpose To study the development of chronic bronchitis of the mice under the conditions of cold and room temperature. Methods The chronic bronchitis of the mice was induced by sole cigarette smoking under the conditions of cold and room temperature. Results The pathologic changes of the chronic bronchitis of the mice were more severe under the condition of cold than those under the condition of room temperature. Conclusions The results show that cold can enhance the association between cigarette smoking and development of chronic bronchitis of mice.
Keywords:cigarette  temperature  chronic bronchitis  mucus histochemistry  RNA  
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