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引用本文:李予煊,刘宏岩. 胃肠动力低下的中西医研究概况[J]. 长春中医药大学学报, 2017, 0(6): 1036-1038. DOI: 10.13463/j.cnki.cczyy.2017.06.059
作者姓名:李予煊  刘宏岩
摘    要:现代医学虽然对于胃肠动力低下产生的病理生理机制进行了相关研究,但由于胃肠动力低下产生牵涉到多个组织、器官和系统的变化,所以目前还不能完全解释清楚胃肠动力低下的产生机制.中医认为,胃肠动力低下产生虽涉及多个脏腑,但脾胃虚弱,气机升降失调是其发生的基本病因病机,在治疗上以益气健脾,调整脾胃气机为要,在临床中可使用大量的健脾益气中药.

关 键 词:脾虚  Cajal间质细胞(ICC)  胃肠动力  胃肠激素

Research on integrated Chinese and Western medicine for gastrointestinal hypomotility
Abstract:Although modern medicine has studied the pathophysiological mechanism of gastrointestinal hypomotility, the gastrointestinal hypomotility is caused by the changes of multiple tissues, organs and systems. Therefore, the mechanism of gastrointestinal hypomotility can not be fully explained. Chinese medicine believes that gastrointestinal hypomotility is involved in multiple organs, but spleen-stomach weakness, disorder of qi movement is the basic pathogenesis of its occurrence, treatment of replenishing qi and invigorating spleen, and regulating spleen and stomach is mainly, a large number of Chinese herbs for invigorating spleen and replenishing qi can be used in clinic.
Keywords:spleen deficiency  Cajal(ICC)  gastrointestinal motility  gastrointestinal hormones
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