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作者姓名:冯文林  贺松其  余娅娅  周灵通  吴春晓  孙小雨
基金项目:2015 年度广东省协同创新与平台环境建设专项,2015 年广东省本科高校教学质量与教学改革工程建设项目,广州市科技计划项目
摘    要:《针灸医籍选读》(9版)精选和释义了《黄帝内经》的很多经典篇章,为师生搭建了教学相长的平台.在教学过程中,通过研读《黄帝内经》相关的篇章发现,《针灸医籍选读》(9版)中《黄帝内经》选中存在个别字词的印刷错误、部分释义值得商榷等方面的问题,尤其是《灵枢·九针十二原》中的"无针左右""其死也静",《灵枢?邪气脏腑病形》中的"中于阴则溜于府,中于阳则溜于经""荥输治外经",《灵枢?寿夭刚柔》中的"刺卫者出气",《灵枢?终始》中的"阳受气于四末,阴受气于五脏",《灵枢?四时气》中的"五十九痏",《素问?宝命全形论》中的"五虚勿近,五实勿远"等存在注释不够严谨,与相关的原文、按语等前后不一致的地方.这些问题的讨论有助于进一步理解《黄帝内经》的原旨.

关 键 词:《针灸医籍选读》  《黄帝内经》  释义

Discussion on some problems from Internal Classic among Selected readings acupuncture and moxibustion medical books (Ninth edition)
Abstract:Selected readings of acupuncture and moxibustion medical books has selected and paraphrased many classic texts in Internal Classic, which has built a platform of teaching benefiting teachers as well as students for teachers and students. In the teaching process, through the study of the relevant text of Internal Classic, the classic texts in Internal Classicof Selected readings of acupuncture and moxibustion (Ninth edition) medical books have existed to be some problems such as some printing errors, some definitions being worth discussing. Especially"Acupuncture at midpoint" and "Pulse manifestation is quiet because of exhaustion of yin" in Nine kinds of needles and twelve source acupoints from Lingshu, "Evil attacking yin slipped to Fu, evil attacking yang slipped to meridian"and "Brook point and stream point treating external meridian disease" in evil of Lingshu, Shouyaogangrou from Lingshu, "the needling gets qi from defense" in life and death, yang stems and yin terms from Lingshu, "yang spreads the essence-qi to four extremities and yin meridians conveys qi to five zang-organs" in beginning and end from Lingshu, "fifty-nine wounds" in qi of the four seasons from Lingshu, and "five types of asthenia not close, five types of sthenia not far away" in the discussion on treasure of life from Suwen, which have existed some problems such as imprecise comments, the inconsistency of the related original text and comments before and after. The discussion of these questions will help us to further understand the original meaning of Internal Classic.
Keywords:Selected readings of acupuncture and moxibustion medical books  Internal Classic  explanatory notes
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