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Female genital mutilation: Cultural and psychological implications
Authors:José Càceres
Affiliation:Universidad de Deusto , Bilbao, Direccion de Salud Mental Pamplona, Spain
Abstract:Problem Solving Skills (PSS) deficits have been reported to be one of the main presenting problems in maladjusted couples, and to constitute one of the important differences between them and happy couples. Videorecordings of PSS of 10 happy and 10 unhappy couples were compared employing the KPI (Kategoriensystem fuer Partnerschaftliche Interaktion Hahlweg & Jacobson, 1984) coding system to analyze verbal and non-verbal communication. The sample was chosen at random from all couples who sought treatment, either for a sexual or marital problem, from a Spanish Family Planning clinic and covered criteria to be elegible: DAS (Spanier, 1976) score, number of years married (>2 yrs).

They all discussed meaningful problems for the couple, and our analysis revealed that, although there exist important differences, particularly in on-verbal communication, sequences followed through the discussion and reciprocity of affect, these differences are less marked than what has been published so far. They were minimal between unhappy couples who eventually separated and those who, in spite of acknowledging relationship problems, remained together 3 years after having completed the recording of PSS task.

It is argued that perhaps we are presenting a far too idealistic goal to couples under PSS training, and that other aspects of the relationship, such as the wearing off of attraction, should be investigated further.
Keywords:sexual life   marital life   aging   male   female
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