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Interoceptive threat leads to defensive mobilization in highly anxiety sensitive persons
Authors:Melzig Christiane A  Holtz Katharina  Michalowski Jaroslaw M  Hamm Alfons O
Affiliation:Department of Biological and Clinical Psychology, University of Greifswald, Greifswald, Germany. melzig@uni-greifswald.de
Abstract:To study defensive mobilization elicited by the exposure to interoceptive arousal sensations, we exposed highly anxiety sensitive students to a symptom provocation task. Symptom reports, autonomic arousal, and the startle eyeblink response were monitored during guided hyperventilation and a recovery period in 26 highly anxiety sensitive persons and 22 controls. Normoventilation was used as a non-provocative comparison condition. Hyperventilation led to autonomic arousal and a marked increase in somatic symptoms. While high and low anxiety sensitive persons did not differ in their defensive activation during hyperventilation, group differences were detected during early recovery. Highly anxiety sensitive students exhibited a potentiation of startle response magnitudes and increased autonomic arousal after hyper- as compared to after normoventilation, indicating defensive mobilization evoked by the prolonged presence of feared somatic sensations.
Keywords:Interoceptive threat  Fear‐potentiated startle  Hyperventilation  Symptom provocation
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