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Natural Antibiotic Susceptibility of Ewingella americana Strains

The natural susceptibility of 20 Ewingella americana strains to 72 antibiotics was examined. MIC values were determined using a microdilution procedure in cation-adjusted Mueller-Hinton broth. Evaluation of natural antibiotic susceptibility was performed applying the German standard (where applicable). β-Lactamases were examined with a conventional nitrocefin colony testing procedure, activity and induction assays, and SDS-PAGE. Ewingella strains were naturally resistant or of intermediate susceptibility to cefaclor, loracarbef, cefazoline, cefuroxime, cefoxitin, benzylpenicillin, oxacillin, fosfomycin, erythromycin, roxithromycin, clarithromycin, lincosamides, dalfopristin-quinupristin, ketolides, linezolid, glycopeptides, fusidic acid and rifampicin. Uniform natural sensitivity was found with acylureidopenicillins except for azlocillin, ticarcillin, several cephalosporins, carbapenems, aztreonam, tetracyclines, aminoglycosides, quinolones, azithromycin, folate-pathway inhibitors and chloramphenicol. Strains of E. americana were naturally sensitive or of intermediate susceptibility to aminopenicillins (with and without β-lactamase inhibitors), azlocillin and nitrofurantoin. All ewingellae yielded β-lactamases; testing of representative strains revealed that these enzymes belong to Ambler class C. Inducibility of β-lactamase was shown for E. americana ATCC 33852T, CCUG 35675 and CCUG 42782.

The present study describes a database concerning the natural susceptibility of E. americana strains to a range of antibiotics, which can be applied to validate forthcoming antibiotic susceptibility tests of these bacteria. It enlarges the number of Enterobacteriaceae expressing naturally-occurring AmpC β-lactamases.
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