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摘    要:慢性萎缩性胃炎是消化系统难治病之一,属于胃癌前病变,病情多受情志变化影响。李佃贵首创"浊毒理论",认为情志失调,肝气郁结,失于疏泄,横犯脾胃,或肝郁化火、肝胆湿热、肝血不足等均可影响脾胃运化,导致浊毒内蕴而引发慢性萎缩性胃炎,临床治疗以化浊解毒调肝为基本大法,具体根据患者病因病机之不同,以化浊解毒为主,或兼以疏肝理气,或兼以疏肝通腑泄热,或兼以养血柔肝和胃,或兼以抑肝扶脾等灵活遣方用药。临床表明依据本法治疗慢性萎缩性胃炎浊毒内蕴证,可逆转肠上皮化生、异型增生,截断癌前病变发展过程,疗效确切。

关 键 词:慢性萎缩性胃炎  浊毒内蕴  辨证论治  李佃贵

LI Diangui's Experiences of Resolving the Turbidity and Toxin and Regulating Liver in Treating Chronic Atrophic Gastritis
Affiliation:,Graduate School of Hebei Medical University,Hebei Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Abstract:The chronic atrophic gastritis(CAG),which is one of the common and frequently-occurring disease in digestive system,belongs to the precancerous lesion of gastric carcinoma affected by the patients' mental pressure. LI Diangui originates the theory of turbidity and toxin and regards that emotional abnormalities,liver Qi stagnation,failure of liver Qi to flow freely invading the function of spleen and stomach,or liver Qi stagnation transforming into fire,dampness-heat in liver and gallbladder or liver-blood deficiency affecting the function of spleen and stomach causes intrinsic turbidity and toxin and finally induce CAG.Therefore treating the root referred to resolving the turbidity and toxin and regulating the liver. According to the etiology and pathogenesis of patients,methods of resolving turbidity and toxin,soothing the liver Qi,purging Fu-organs to eliminate heat,harmonizing stomach and nourishing blood and liver,supporting the spleen and restricting the liver have definite clinical effects in the treatment of CAG. These methods reverse the intestinal metaplasia and atypical hyperplasia,and prevent the further development of precancerous lesions of gastric cancer with definite effects.
Keywords:chronic atrophic gastritis  intrinsic turbidity and toxin  syndrome differentiation  LI Diangui
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