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摘    要:张琪老师认为正常高值血压阶段一定程度上呈现出阴阳气血失常、气机升降紊乱、脏腑功能失调等病理改变,此类病变多由饮食不节、久坐少动、情志失和导致,与肝、脾、肾功能失调密切相关。张老师从中医体质理论出发,根据患者的不同体质采用不同的治疗方法:阴虚质重在滋阴补肾,痰湿质重在健脾化湿,气郁质予以疏肝解郁。

关 键 词:正常高值血压  调质纠偏  张琪

ZHANG Qi's Experience in Treating High-Normal Blood Pressure by Adjusting Body Constitutions and Rectifying Deviation
Institution:,Changzhou Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Abstract:ZHANG Qi believes that,in a certain extent,high- normal blood pressure shows pathologic changes such as disorder of Yin and Yang as well as Qi and blood,disorder of qi movement and dysfunction of viscera. The changes are mainly caused by improper diet,sedentary life style and emotional disturbance which are closely related to dysfuction of the liver,spleen and kidney. Based on the constitution theory of traditional Chinese medicine,ZHANG Qi thinks that different treatment methods should be used in different constitutions:Yin- deficiency constitution should focus on nourishing Yin to tonifying the kidney,phlegm and dampness constitution should pay attention to invigorate the spleen to eliminate dampness and Qi stagnation constitution should soothe the liver to remove Qi stagnation.
Keywords:ZHANG Qi  adjusting body constitutions and rectifying deviation  high-normal blood pressure
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