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From hidden order to antiferromagnetism: Electronic structure changes in Fe-doped URu2Si2
Authors:Emmanouil Frantzeskakis,Ji Dai,Cé  dric Bareille,Tobias C. Rö  del,Monika Gü  ttler,Sheng Ran,Noravee Kanchanavatee,Kevin Huang,Naveen Pouse,Christian T. Wolowiec,Emile D. L. Rienks,Pascal Lejay,Franck Fortuna,M. Brian Maple,André  s F. Santander-Syro
Abstract:In matter, any spontaneous symmetry breaking induces a phase transition characterized by an order parameter, such as the magnetization vector in ferromagnets, or a macroscopic many-electron wave function in superconductors. Phase transitions with unknown order parameter are rare but extremely appealing, as they may lead to novel physics. An emblematic and still unsolved example is the transition of the heavy fermion compound URu2Si2 (URS) into the so-called hidden-order (HO) phase when the temperature drops below T0=17.5 K. Here, we show that the interaction between the heavy fermion and the conduction band states near the Fermi level has a key role in the emergence of the HO phase. Using angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy, we find that while the Fermi surfaces of the HO and of a neighboring antiferromagnetic (AFM) phase of well-defined order parameter have the same topography, they differ in the size of some, but not all, of their electron pockets. Such a nonrigid change of the electronic structure indicates that a change in the interaction strength between states near the Fermi level is a crucial ingredient for the HO to AFM phase transition.

The transition of URu2Si2 from a high-temperature paramagnetic (PM) phase to the hidden-order (HO) phase below T0 is accompanied by anomalies in specific heat (13), electrical resistivity (1, 3), thermal expansion (4), and magnetic susceptibility (2, 3) that are all typical of magnetic ordering. However, the small associated antiferromagnetic (AFM) moment (5) is insufficient to explain the large entropy loss and was shown to be of extrinsic origin (6). Inelastic neutron scattering (INS) experiments revealed gapped magnetic excitations below T0 at commensurate and incommensurate wave vectors (79), while an instability and partial gapping of the Fermi surface was observed by angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) (1016) and scanning tunneling microscopy/spectroscopy (17, 18). More recently, high-resolution, low-temperature ARPES experiments imaged the Fermi surface reconstruction across the HO transition, unveiling the nesting vectors between Fermi sheets associated with the gapped magnetic excitations seen in INS experiments (14, 19) and quantitatively explaining, from the changes in Fermi surface size and quasiparticle mass, the large entropy loss in the HO phase (19). Nonetheless, the nature of the HO parameter is still hotly debated (2023).The HO phase is furthermore unstable above a temperature-dependent critical pressure of about 0.7 GPa at T=0, at which it undergoes a first-order transition into a large moment AFM phase where the value of the magnetic moment per U atom exhibits a sharp increase, by a factor of 10 to 50 (6, 2430). When the system crosses the HO AFM phase boundary, the characteristic magnetic excitations of the HO phase are either suppressed or modified (8, 31), while resistivity and specific heat measurements suggest that the partial gapping of the Fermi surface is enhanced (24, 27).As the AFM phase has a well-defined order parameter, studying the evolution of the electronic structure across the HO/AFM transition would help develop an understanding of the HO state. So far, the experimental determination of the Fermi surface by Shubnikov de Haas (SdH) oscillations only showed minor changes across the HO AFM phase boundary (32). Here, we take advantage of the HO/AFM transition induced by chemical pressure in URu2Si2, through the partial substitution of Ru with Fe (3337), to directly probe its electronic structure in the AFM phase using ARPES. As we shall see, our results reveal that changes in the Ru 4d–U 5f hybridization across the HO/AFM phase boundary seem essential for a better understanding of the HO state.
Keywords:heavy fermions   hidden order   electronic structure   ARPES
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