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Impact of structured programs on breastfeeding initiation rates in preterm neonates in a socioeconomically deprived area in France: A 10-year population-based study
Authors:M.-L. Charkaluk  H. Bomy  S. Delguste  M. Courdent  S. Rousseau  C. Zaoui-Grattepanche  V. Pierrat
Affiliation:1. Inserm UMR 1153, équipe de recherche en épidémiologie obstétricale, périnatale et pédiatrique (EPOPé), centre de recherche épidémiologie et statistique Sorbonne-Paris-Cité, DHU risques et grossesse, hôpital Tenon, université Paris-Descartes, 4, rue de la Chine, 75020 Paris, France;2. UC Lille, 59000 Lille, France;3. Groupement des hôpitaux de l’institut catholique Lillois, service de néonatologie, faculté de médecine et maïeutique, hôpital Saint-Vincent-de-Paul, 59000 Lille, France;4. Réseau organisation mamans bébés de la région Lilloise (OMBREL), hôpital Jeanne-de-Flandre, rue Eugène-Avinée, 59037 Lille cedex, France;5. Protection maternelle et infantile (PMI), département du Nord, 37, rue du Vieux-Faubourg, 59047 Lille, France;6. Service de néonatologie, centre hospitalier de Roubaix, rue de Charleroi, 59100 Roubaix, France;g. Service de néonatologie, centre hospitalier de Valenciennes, avenue Désandrouin, 59322 Valenciennes cedex, France;h. Service de médecine néonatale, hôpital Jeanne-de-Flandre, 1, avenue Eugène-Avinée, 59037 Lille cedex, France
Abstract:Structured programs have a positive impact on breastfeeding (BF) but have rarely been evaluated for preterm neonates, frequently combining prematurity and socioeconomic deprivation as risk factors of a low BF rate. We aimed to assess BF initiation rates in very preterm (< 33 weeks’ gestational age), moderately preterm (33–36 weeks), and term neonates from 2002 to 2011 in a French administrative district characterized by socioeconomic deprivation. Structured activities to promote and support BF have been implemented in this area since 2002; they all started in neonatal units. This retrospective population-based study analyzed 302,102 first health certificates. Overall, the BF initiation rate significantly increased, from 52.9% [95% CI: (52.3; 53.4)] in 2002 to 61.0% [95% CI: (60.4; 61.6)] in 2011. In 2002, BF initiation rates did not differ between groups, but in 2011, it was higher for very preterm than for term and moderately preterm neonates [74.7% (69.7; 79.6)] vs. 60.9% (60.3; 61.5) and 59.9% (57.6; 62.2), respectively, both P < 0.001. In 2011, however, no difference was observed between moderately preterm children and term-born children (P = 0.40). The 2.2% yearly increase observed in very preterm neonates significantly differed from the 0.9% yearly increase in the French general population (P < 0.001).


Structured BF programs initiated in neonatal care units may have a positive impact on BF initiation rates in very preterm neonates, but not in moderately preterm neonates, whose specific needs should be further evaluated.
Keywords:Breastfeeding  Preterm neonates  Structured breastfeeding programs  Breastfeeding initiation rates
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