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TCRgammadelta + T lymphocytes in unexplained recurrent spontaneous abortions
Authors:Psarra K  Kapsimali V  Tarassi K  Dendrinos S  Athanasiadis T  Botsis D  Kreatsas G  Papasteriades C
Affiliation:Department of Immunology and Histocompatibility, Evangelismos Hospital, Athens, Greece.
PROBLEM: It is generally accepted that the immune system and cellular immunity in particular are involved in the mechanisms affecting the outcome of gestation. In order to evaluate a putative role of lymphocytes in the immunological mechanisms of unexplained recurrent spontaneous abortions (URSA), we studied peripheral blood lymphocyte subpopulations in 244 women with URSA and 44 controls. METHOD OF STUDY: Direct immunofluorescence in whole blood with the appropriate combinations of monoclonal antibodies and flow cytometry was used. RESULTS: The study showed: a) a statistically significant increase of the mean CD4/CD8 ratio (2.12+/-0.84 vs 1.85+/-0.63, P = 0,039); b) a statistically significant decrease of the mean value of the percentage of CD5+ CD19+ lymphocytes (0.4+/-0.6 vs 1.4+/-0.78, P < 0.0001); and c) a statistically significant increase of the percentage of T lymphocytes expressing TCRgammadelta (4.68+/-3.19 vs 2.61+/-1.14, P < 0.0001). It should be noted that a statistically significant high number of women with URSA (72/195, 36.9%) showed an increased percentage of TCRgammadelta T cells (> or = 5%, where 5 equals the mean value + 2 standard deviations (SD) of the mean value of controls), whereas such a high percentage was not found in any control subject. CONCLUSIONS: It seems that women who experienced URSA comprise a heterogeneous population, as far as immunological parameters are concerned. At least in a subgroup of them, TCRgammadelta + T cells could be considered to play a role in the immune pathogenesis of fetal loss.
Keywords:CD5+ B lymphocytes    lymphocytes subpopulationg    TCRγδ+ T lymphocytes    unexplained recurrent spontaneous abortions (URSA)
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