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Phenotypic Alterations in Circulating Monocytes Induced by Open Heart Surgery Using Heparinized and Nonheparinized Cardiopulmonary Bypass Systems
Authors:Olof Ljunghusen &dagger  ,Ingemar Cederholm&Dagger  ,Joachim Lundahl&dagger  ,Bo Nilsson§  ,Christian Olin&dagger  ,Florence Sjogren,Olle Stendahl
Affiliation:*Department of Medical Microbiology and Immunology, University Hospital, Linköping;†Department of Clinical Immunology, Karolinska Hospital, Stockholm;‡Departnient of Thorucic Surgery, University Hospital, Linköping;§Department of Clinical Inimunology and Transfusion Medicine, University Hospital, Uppsala, Sweden
Abstract:Abstract: In this study of 31 patients with coronary bypass surgery, we used flow cytometry to compare heparin-coated and noncoated cardiopulmonary bypass systems on leukocyte activation. We found significant differences between the groups during bypass, with activation of the complement system, measured as elevated levels of C3a desArg, upregulation of granulocyte β2 integrin (CD11b). and a loss of circulating monocytes when noncoated systems were used. In both groups an early increase in the monocyte cell surface CD62L expression was obvious while the percentage of human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-DR positive monocytes did not alter. The morning after the operation, leukocytosis was present. together with a highly significant reduction in the monocyte expression of CDllb and HLA-DR, indicating the recruitment to the peripheral blood of cells with altered phenotypes. This alteration in phenotype on potent inflammatory cells may be one part of the impaired function of the immunological system reported after major surgery.
Keywords:Flow cytometry    Cardiopulmonary bypass    Activation of cells    Heparin coating    CD11b    Human leukocyte anti-gen-DR
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