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Adjustments of hepatic and small intestine blood flow on selective vasoconstrictor fibre stimulation
FASTH, S., HULTÉN, L. & NORDGREN, S.: Adjustments of hepatic and small intestinal blood flow on selective vasoconstrictor fibre stimulation. Acta Physiol Scand 1980, 110 :343–350. Received 16 Jan. 1980. ISSN 0001–6772. Department of Surgery II, Sahlgrenska sjukhuset, University of Goteborg, Sweden. The mutual changes in hepatic and small intestinal blood flow on selective nervous stimulation of the periarterial vasoconstriction fibres, were studied in anaesthetized cats. Occlusion of the hepatic artery did not change portal blood flow, whereas occlusion of superior mesenteric blood flow caused a significant increase in hepatic arterial flow. Stimulation of the hepatic sympathetic nervous supply caused a phasic blood flow response with a marked transient peak flow reduction of hepatic arterial blood flow. The magnitude of the peak response varied with the frequency of the stimulation. Despite continuous stimulation the first phase went over into a second phase of less pronounced vasoconstriction. This “steady state” blood flow, was maintained at about 20% below the control level, irrespective of stimulation frequency. Corresponding in time with the peak vasoconstriction there was a transient increase of portal pressure. Sympathetic nerve stimulation increased portal pressure even on occlusion of the hepatic artery. Stimulation of the mesenteric sympathetic nerves evoked the characteristic transient peak vasoconstrictor response consisting of two phases, a brief intense peak resistance response followed by a second phase of less pronounced but generally well maintained constriction. Simultaneously a slight reduction of portal pressure and hepatic arterial vascular resistance was regularly seen. In contrast to the observations in the hepatic arterial circuit the magnitude of this “steady state” blood flow in the small intestine was dependent on the rate of the stimulation, however. On simultaneous stimulation of the hepatic and mesenteric sympathetic nerves the hemodynamic responses were largely the same as when these nerves were stimulated separately. The portal pressure affecting mean capillary pressure in the intestine differed, however. Small and variable pressure changes were followed by rapid return towards control and during steady state it did not differ from the prestimulatory level. This investigation was supported by grants from the Swedish Medical Research Council (No. 17X-3117), from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Goteborg, The Swedish Society of Medical Sciences, from Goteborgs Likaresallskap and Assar Gabrielsson's Fund.
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