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Book Reviews
Abstract:Book reviewed in this article:
New Developments in Electromyography and Clinical Neurophysiology : Edited by : J. E. D esmedt
Basic Neurochemistry : Edited by R. W ayne A lbers , G eorge J. S iegel , R obert K atzman and B ernard W. A granoff
Arithmetical Disabilities in Cerebral Palsied Children : By S imon H. H askell
Quick Reference to Pediatric Emergencies: Edited by D elmer J. P ascoe and M oses G rossman
Das Hirntrauma im Kindes-und Jugendalter : By H. L ange -C osack and G. T epfer
Mental Handicap and Community Care: a Study of Mentally Handicapped People in Sheffield : By M ichael B ayley
Mental Retardation: Occasional Papers 2, 3 and 4 : By K enneth H olt , S heila H ewett , E lspeth S tephen and J ean R obertson
Psychology in the Vocational Rehabilitation of the Mentally Retarded : By M urry M orgenstern and H arold M ichal -S mith
International Research Seminar on Vocational Rehabilitation of the Mentally Retarded: Edited by M elvin C ohen
Young People At Risk: a Study of the 17–24 Age Group: By M artin P lant
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