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Susceptibilities of bacteria isolated from patients with lower respiratory infectious diseases to antibiotics (2000)
Authors:Shimada Kaoru  Terai Tsugio  Igari Jun  Inoue Hiroshi  Nakadate Toshihide  Oguri Toyoko  Suwabe Akira  Obata Ritsuko  Ikemoto Hideo  Ohno Isao  Okada Shinji  Hayashi Katsutoshi  Mori Takeshi  Nakano Kunio  Arakawa Masaaki  Gejyo Fumitake  Igarashi Kenichi  Yokouchi Hiroshi  Okada Masahiko  Ito Akira  Sumitomo Midori  Aoki Nobuki  Matsushima Toshiharu  Niki Yoshihito  Kitamura Nobuko  Suga Moritaka  Suzuki Yasutoshi  Karasawa Yasuo  Tosaka Masakazu  Nakata Kouichiro  Nakatani Tatsuo  Kohno Shigeru  Tomono Kazunori  Miyazaki Yoshitsugu  Inagawa Hiroko  Hirakata Yoichi  Aoki Shiho  Matsuda Junichi  Kudo Kouichiro  Kobayashi Nobuyuki
Affiliation:Tokyo Senbai Hospital.
Abstract:From October 2000 to September 2001, we collected the specimen from 410 patients with lower respiratory tract infections in 16 institutions in Japan, and investigated the susceptibilities of isolated bacteria to various anti-bacterial agents and antibiotics and patients' characteristics. Of 499 strains that were isolated from specimen (mainly from sputum) and assumed to be bacteria causing in inflammation, 493 strains were investigated. The breakdown of the isolated bacteria were: Staphylococcus aureus 78, Streptococcus pneumoniae 73, Haemophilus infiuenzae 99, Pseudomonas aeruginosa (non-mucoid) 64, P. aeruginosa (mucoid) 14, Klebsiella pneumoniae 25, Moraxella subgenus Branhamella catarrhalis 21, etc. Of 78 S. aureus strains, those with 4 micrograms/ml or more of MIC of oxacillin (methicillin-resistant S. aureus: MRSA) occupied 53.8%. Vancomycin and arbekacin had the most potent activities against MRSA as observed in 1999. The frequency of S. pneumoniae exhibiting low sensitivity to penicillin (penicillin-intermediate S. pneumoniae: PISP + penicillin-resistant S. pneumoniae: PRSP) was 38.4% being consistent with that in 1999 (34.7%). PRSP accounted for 11.0% of the total, being more than that in 1999 (3.0%). Carbapenems had strong activities against S. pneumoniae. Especially, panipenem inhibited the growth of all 73 strains at 0.125 microgram/ml. Generally, all drugs had strong activities against H. influenzae with MIC80s of 8 micrograms/ml or less. The drug that had the strongest activity against H. infiuenzae was levofloxacin, which inhibited the growth of 94 of the 99 strains at 0.063 microgram/ml. Tobramycin had a strong activity against P. aeruginosa (both mucoid and non-mucoid) with MIC80 of 1 microgram/ml. The mucoid strain was little isolated (14 strains) but the susceptibilities to all drugs were better than the non-mucoid strain. K. pneumoniae showed good susceptibilities to all drugs except ampicillin and the MIC80S were 2 micrograms/ml or less. Particularly, cefpirome, cefozopran, and levofloxacin had strong bactericidal activities against K. pneumoniae with MIC80s of 0.125 microgram/ml, and cefotiam, second-generation cephems, also had a favorable activity being MIC80 of 0.25 microgram/ml. Also, all drugs generally had strong activities against M. (B.) catarrhalis. MIC80s of all drugs were 2 micrograms/ml or less. The drug having the strongest activity was imipenem and levofloxacin inhibiting all 21 strains at 0.063 microgram/ml. Most of the patients with respiratory infection were aged 70 years or older, accounting for approximately a half of the total (44.4%). As for the incidence by the diseases, bacterial pneumonia and chronic bronchitis were the highest, being noted in 38.0% and 31.7% of all the patients, respectively. The bacteria frequently isolated from the patients with bacterial pneumonia were S. aureus (18.3%) and S. pneumoniae (16.1%). In contrast, H. infiuenzae (20.4%) and P. aeruginosa (both mucoid and non-mucoid: 16.7%) were frequently isolated from the patients with chronic bronchitis. Before the drug administration, the bacteria frequently isolated from all the patients were S. pneumoniae (24.3%) and H. infiuenzae (26.7%). The frequency of isolated S. pneumoniae tended to decrease with the increase in the number of administration days while that of isolated H. infiuenzae did not. The frequency of isolated P. aeruginosa tended to increase with the duration of administration. The isolated bacteria were comparable between the patients already treated with penicillins and cephems. In the patients treated with aminoglycosides, macrolides, and quinolones, P. aeruginosa was most frequently isolated (33.3 to 40.0%).
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