钙调蛋白1基因多态性和青少年特发性脊柱侧凸不同亚型的关系 |
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引用本文: | 赵栋,邱贵兴,王以朋,仉建国,沈建雄,吴志宏. 钙调蛋白1基因多态性和青少年特发性脊柱侧凸不同亚型的关系[J]. 中华骨科杂志, 2008, 28(6) |
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作者姓名: | 赵栋 邱贵兴 王以朋 仉建国 沈建雄 吴志宏 |
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作者单位: | 1. 天津医院脊柱外科 2. 中国医学科学院巾国协和医科大学北京协和医院骨科,北京,100730 |
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摘 要: | ![]() 目的 探讨钙调蛋白1基因rs12885713(-16C>T)、rs5871等位基因多态性和特发性脊柱侧凸及其不同临床亚型的关联性.方法 2005年10月至2007年4月,北京协和医院接受手术治疗的青少年特发性脊柱侧凸患者100例(Cobb角>30.),对照组100例.QIAamp DNA微型血液试剂盒外周静脉血提取DNA.设计钙调蛋白1基因~12885713、rs587l所在序列引物,完成PCR扩增反应;ABl3730测序仪分析SNP位点基因型.结果 所有患者按照PUMC分型、主弯顶点位置以及Cobb角分组.结果 显示:(1)rs12885713位点等位基因多态性分布情况在PUMC Ⅱ型患者和对照组之间差异有统计学意义(P=O.034);(2)rsl2885713等位基因多态件分布情况在腰弯患者和对照组之间差异有统计学意义(P=-0.009);(3)rs5871位点等位基因多念性分布情况在胸弯患者和对照组之间差异有统计学意义(P=0.035).结论 钙调蛋白1基冈不同SNP位点等位基因多态性可能和特发性脊柱侧凸小同临床亚型相关联:(1)rsl2885713位点等位基因多态性可能和PUMCⅡ型特发性脊柱侧凸相关联;(2)腰弯侧凸可能和rsl2885713化点等位基凶多念性关联;(3)胸弯侧凸可能和rs5871位点等位基凶多态性关联.
关 键 词: | 脊柱侧凸 多态性,限制性片段长度 钙调蛋白 |
Association of calmodulin 1 gene polymorphisms with different subtypes of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis |
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Abstract: | ![]() Objective To investigate the relationship between:1)rsl2885713(-16C>T),rs5871 allele polymorphisms in cahnodulin 1 (CALM1)gene and adolescent idiopathic scoliosis(AIS);2)either of these 2 SNPs fsingle nucleotide polymorphisms)and different subtypes of AIS.Methods A total of l00Chinese AIS patients (Cobb angle above 30°) from spinal center of Peking Union Medical College Hospital were recruited as cases together with l00 healthy controls.Curve pattern.such as PUMC classification,the apical location of major curve,and Cobb angle,were recorded.DNA was extracted from peripheral-vein blood with QIAamp DNA mini blood kits.CLAMl gene rsl2885713 (-16C>T) and rs5871 locus,were sequenced with ABl3730 genetic analyzer.Results All patients were grouped according to PUMC classification.the apical location of major curve,and Cobb angle,respectively.The statistical results shown:1)Between the PUMC type Ⅱ patients and the controls.there was statistical significance on the distribution of rsl2885713 site polymorphism (p=0.034);2)Between the lumbar curve cases and the controls,there was difference on the distribution of rsl2885713 site polymorphism(P=0.009);3)Between the thoracic Curve patients and the controls.there was difference on the distribution of rs587 site polymorphism(P=O.035).Conclusion Different subtypes of AIS might be related to different SNPs in calmodulin 1 gene.The susceptibility of PUMC typeⅡAIS and lumbar CHIVe might be related to CALM1 gene rsl2885713 (-16C>T) sitepolymorphism while CALMl gene rs5871 site polymorphism might be a risk factor for thoracic curve. |
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Keywords: | Scoliosis Polymorphism,restriction fragment length Calmodulin |
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