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Regulation of phosphoinositide hydrolysis and cytosolic free calcium induced by endothelin in human glomerular epitheial cells
Authors:Spath, M.   Pavenstadt, H.   Muller, C.   Petersen, J.   Wanner, C.   Schollmeyer, P.
Affiliation:Medizinische Universitätsklinik Abteilung Innere Medizin IV, Freiburg, Germany
Abstract:The regulation of the inositide signalling pathway and [Ca2+]iby endothelin (ET) peptides was investigated in human glomerularepithelial cells in culture. Endothelin-1 and -2 induced anaccumulation of inositol phosphates in a time- and dose-dependentmanner. The baseline of [Ca2+]i, in glomerular epithelial cellswas 109±2.8 nmol/l, n=60. Endothelin-l (ED50: approx.3x10 mol/l) caused a rapid and transient rise in [2+]i as detectedby fura-2 microfluorimetry studies. The endothelin-l-inducedinositol phosphate accumulation was inhibited by the selectiveETA recep tor antagonist BQ123. Endothelin-3 and BQ3020, a selectiveETB receptor agonist, showed no effect. The results suggestan ETA-mediated pathway. This study demonstrates an ETA-mediatedtransmembrane signalling via phospholipase C with consecutiveelevation of inositol phosphates and intracellular calcium.Since endothelin peptides contribute to both normal renal functionand renal dysfunction, this study adds further knowledge onglomerular cell regulation.
Keywords:calcium   endothelin receptor   glomerulus   phospholipase C   protein kinase C
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