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The Acoustic Startle Response in Inbred Roman High- and Low-Avoidance Rats
Authors:H. Schwegler  P. K. D. Pilz  M. Koch  M. Fendt  R. Linke  P. Driscoll
Affiliation:(1) Institut für Anatomie, Universität Magdeburg, Leipziger Str. 44, D-39120 Magdeburg, Germany;(2) Zoologisches Institut, Tierphysiologie, Universität Tübingen, Morgenstelle 28, D-72076 Tübingen, Germany;(3) Institut für Nutztierwissenschaften, ETH-Zentrum, Turnerstr. 1, CH-8072 Zürich, Switzerland
Abstract:To investigate the emotional reactions of two rat strains selectively bred for good and poor two-way avoidance acquisition (RHA/Verh and RLA/Verh), male animals of both strains were tested in an acoustic startle response test. They received 40 acoustic stimuli followed by 10 electric foot shocks and another 30 acoustic stimuli. RLA/Verh rats showed a significantly higher startle response compared to RHA/Verh animals, indicating a stronger emotional reaction to acoustic stimuli. In addition, the former showed a stronger response to foot shocks. Combined with earlier findings, we conclude that selection for two-way avoidance learning does not result in cognitive defects in the RLA/Verh strain but, rather, in stronger emotional reactions to fearful stimuli.
Keywords:Acoustic startle response  sensitization  amygdala  Roman high- and low-avoidance rats
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