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Mitral stenosis in a girl of five years
Authors:Bari M A  Haque S M  Islam M N  Hossain M A  Uddin S N  Rahman K M  Ali M S  Sutradhar S R  Khan G K
Affiliation:Department of Cardiology, Mymensingh Medical College.
Abstract:Mitral stenosis(MS) detected below the age of 20 years is called juvenile mitral stenosis (JMS). JMS constitute 25-40 % of all cases of isolated mitral stenosis, though overall incidence of rheumatic fever and rheumatic heart disease (RHD) within mixed population is 7.5- 7.8 per thousand. The patient was 5 years old girl hailing from Modhupur, Tangail got herself admitted into CCU Mymensingh Medical College Hospital with the complaints of low grade fever, shortness of breath and also associated with failure to thrive. She was ill looking, mildly anaemic. Precordial examination revealed apex beat was in the left 5th intercostals space, tapping in nature, palpable P(2). There was left parasternal heave. 1st heart sound loud, pulmonary component of the 2nd heart sound was accentuated, opening snap with mid diastolic murmur with pre systolic accentuation. Routine blood examination reveals leucocytosis with raised ESR. C-reactive protein (CRP) and ASO titre were significantly raised. X-ray chest P/A view showing the features of mitral stenosis. Echocardiography showing MS (moderate) with pulmonary hypertension. She was treated with antibiotics and other relevant drugs and discharge with an advice for follow up and take preparation for cardiac intervention.
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