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引用本文:王海燕,许岩丽,闫行敏,汪洋,宋扬,郑雯雯,王凤微,殷丽刚,韩建军,马峥. 2013—2017年我国全科医学领域中青年作者论文影响力评价研究[J]. 中国全科医学, 2019, 22(34): 4157-4165. DOI: 10.12114/j.issn.1007-9572.2019.00.782
作者姓名:王海燕  许岩丽  闫行敏  汪洋  宋扬  郑雯雯  王凤微  殷丽刚  韩建军  马峥
作者单位:WANG Haiyan1,XU Yanli2,YAN Xingmin2,WANG Yang2,SONG Yang1,ZHENG Wenwen1,WANG Fengwei2,YIN Ligang2,HAN Jianjun2*,MA Zheng1*
摘    要:背景 20世纪80年代末,全科医学的概念引入我国大陆地区。我国全科医学起步较晚,目前关于全科医学论文成果的系统性研究也相对较少。目的 本研究以2013—2017年我国全科医学领域的科研论文作为切入点,对中青年作者发表论文的影响力及高影响力论文的特征进行分析,深入了解我国全科医学领域的科研论文产出及影响力情况,以期为今后全科医学的科学研究和学科发展提供参考依据。方法 本研究依照研究数据检索与采集、评价指标体系构建、定量评价、定性评价、综合评价等程序进行。于2018年7月,使用Web of Science平台的SCI数据库、万方数据库中全科医学领域的论文。检索策略主要依据全科医学领域的常见关键词构建检索式获得该领域主要论文,并将国内外全科医学/家庭医学/初级卫生保健领域及相关学术期刊发表的论文纳入作为补充,同时纳入作者单位为全科医学/疗科、全科医学系、社区卫生服务中心/站/社康中心、全科医学教研室/研究所等全科医学机构的论文。检索时间窗口限定为2013—2017年;论文类型限定为学术性论文(article)和综述评论性论文(review)。在查阅参考文献、专家咨询的基础上,构建论文影响力评价指标体系,设影响力水平、创新水平2项一级指标及附加项;采用层次分析法确定指标权重。按照发表年遴选年度被引频次较高的论文(被引频次居前30%的外文论文、被引频次居前2%的中文论文)进行定量、定性及综合评价。结果 2013—2017年,SCI收录国内外全科医学领域论文20 046篇,以发表文献的第一作者第一机构统计,我国作者作为第一作者共发表文献323篇(1.6%);万方数据库收录国内全科医学领域论文15 553篇。根据论文的综合评价得分,共获得2013—2017年全科医学领域中青年作者高影响力论文90篇。90篇高影响力论文中,关键词以“高血压”出现频次最高(16次);其余出现频次≥10次的关键词包括初级卫生保健、糖尿病、老年人等;第一作者的第一机构主要是高校非全科医学系〔34篇(37.8%)〕,其次是综合医院非全科医学/疗科〔16篇(17.8%)〕;大陆地区中,第一作者的第一单位地域以东部地区为主〔49篇(70.0%)〕;大部分论文有基金项目资助支持〔64篇(71.1%)〕,以市区级基金项目居多〔24篇(26.7%)〕。结论 我国全科医学领域中发表高影响力论文的中青年学者的研究方向契合学科研究热点;高校非全科医学系、综合医院非全科医学/疗科的学者积极参与全科医学的科学研究活动,促进了全科医学学科的发展。目前我国全科医学领域研究规模相对较小,我国香港地区全科医学研究开展较早,应加强我国大陆地区与港澳台地区的学术交流合作。为进一步提升全科医学学科建设,建议优化学术资源结构,加强对科研人员的培训,重点是高校全科医学系、综合医院全科医学/疗科、社区卫生服务机构等群体;增加对全科医学研究的基金项目投入;培育学科精品期刊,以提升我国全科医学领域的整体科研水平,深入推动我国全科医学学科的建设与发展。

关 键 词:全科医学  期刊论文  科学计量  文献计量学  影响力评价  

Evaluation Research on the Influence of Papers Written by Young and Middle-aged Authors in the Field of General Practice in China from 2013 to 2017
WANG Haiyan,XU Yanli,YAN Xingmin,WANG Yang,SONG Yang,ZHENG Wenwen,WANG Fengwei,YIN Ligang,HAN Jianjun,MA Zheng. Evaluation Research on the Influence of Papers Written by Young and Middle-aged Authors in the Field of General Practice in China from 2013 to 2017[J]. Chinese General Practice, 2019, 22(34): 4157-4165. DOI: 10.12114/j.issn.1007-9572.2019.00.782
Authors:WANG Haiyan  XU Yanli  YAN Xingmin  WANG Yang  SONG Yang  ZHENG Wenwen  WANG Fengwei  YIN Ligang  HAN Jianjun  MA Zheng
Affiliation:1.Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China,Beijing 100038,China
2.Chinese General Practice Press,Beijing 100053,China
*Corresponding authors:HAN Jianjun,Professor;E-mail:chinagp@vip.sina.com
MA Zheng,Researcher;E-mail:mazheng@istic.ac.cn
Abstract:Background The concept of general practice was introduced into mainland China in the late 1980s with a late start.There are relatively few systematic studies on the papers of general practice in China currently.Objective Taking the research papers in the field of general practice in China from 2013 to 2017 as the starting point,this study analyzes the influence of the papers written by young and middle-aged authors and the characteristics of high-impact papers,and deeply explores the output of scientific research papers and its influence in the field of general practice,in order to provide references for future scientific research and discipline development of general practice in China.Methods This study was conducted in accordance with the procedures of research data retrieval and collection,evaluation index system construction,quantitative evaluation,qualitative evaluation,and comprehensive evaluation.In July 2018,relevant papers on general practice were searched in the SCI information database and the Wanfang data database.The search strategy was based on the search terms formed by common keywords to obtain relevant papers in the field of general practice and papers published in related academic journals in the field of general practice/family medicine/primary health care at home and abroad as supplements,and papers written by authors affiliated to General Practice Department,School/College of General Practice,Community Health Service Center/Station,and General Practice Teaching and Research Institute/Center were also included in.The search time window was limited to 2013—2017,and the paper types were limited to the academic article(Article) and the review(Review).On the basis of literature review and expert consultation,the evaluation index system of the paper impact was established with two first-level indicators(influence indicator and innovation indicator) and additional items.The analytic hierarchy method was used to determine the weight of the indicators.Quantitative,qualitative and comprehensive evaluations were conducted to papers with higher frequency of citations according to the years of publication(top 30% of foreign papers and top 2% of Chinese papers).Results From 2013 to 2017,SCI information database included 20 046 papers in the field of general practice globally.According to first authors and affiliations of the published papers,the authors from China published 323(1.6%) papers.Wanfang data database contained 15 553 papers in the field of general practice in China.According to the comprehensive evaluation scores of included papers,a total of 90 high-impact papers of young and middle-aged authors from 2013 to 2017 were obtained.Among them,the keyword "hypertension" appeared the most frequently(16 times),and other keywords appearing 10 times and more were primary health care,diabetes,and the elderly.The first affiliations of the first authors were mainly non-general practice schools/colleges in universities(34 papers,accounting for 37.8%),followed by non-general practice departments in comprehensive hospitals(16 papers,accounting for 17.8%).The locations of first affiliations of the first authors were mainly in the eastern region of China(49 papers,accounting for 70.0%).Most of the papers were supported by fund projects(64 papers,accounting for 71.1%),mainly urban-level fund projects(24 papers,accounting for 26.7%).Conclusion The research directions of young and middle-aged scholars who publish high-impact papers in the field of general practice are in line with its research hotspots in China.Scholars in non-general practice departments and schools/colleges actively participate in scientific research activities of general practice,which promotes the development of general practice discipline.At present,the scale of research in the field of general practice in mainland China is relatively small,while research on general practice starts early in Hong Kong,and the academic exchanges and cooperation between mainland China,Hong Kong,Macao and Taiwan should be strengthened.In order to further improve the discipline construction of general practice,it is recommended to optimize the academic resource structure and strengthen the training of scientific research personnel in the general practice cchools/colleges of universities,general practice departments of comprehensive hospitals,and community health service institutions.It is also recommended to increase investment in fund projects for general practice research and to cultivate high-quality periodicals in order to enhance the overall scientific research level in the field of general practice,and to promote the construction and development of general practice disciplines in China.
Keywords:General practice  Journal paper  Scientometrics  Bibliometrics  Impact evaluation  
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