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The neu-oncogene product in serum and tissue of patients with breast carcinoma
Authors:Kath, R.   Hoftken, K.   Otte, C.   Metz, K.   Scheulen, M. E.   Hulskamp, F.   Seeber, S.
Affiliation:Department of Internal Medicine (Cancer Research), University of Essen Medical School
1Department of Pathology, West German Cancer Center Essen, University of Essen Medical School Essen
2Department of Gynecology, Alfried Krupp Hospital Essen
3Department of Internal Medicine II, Oncology, Hematology, Endocrinology, Metabolic Diseases, Fridrich-Schiller-University Jena-Lobeda Germany
Abstract:BACKGROUND:: A soluble 105 kD neu-related protein is detectable in conditionedmedium from breast cancer cells expressing the neu-oncogeneproduct and in serum of nude mice bearing tumors that overexpressneu-oncogene PATIENTS AND METHODS:: In 100 patients with primary (n - 33) relapse-free (n - 6) andmetastatic (n - 61) breast carcinoma the serum levels of thesoluble new-related protein were investigated by ELISA techniques.Median age was 57 years, range 26–89 years. RESULTS:: The neu-protein serum levels were below 40 HNU/ml (human neu-antigenunit) in 72 patients and 40 or more HNU/ml in 28 patients. In30 patients with primary breast carcinoma, tested before mastectomy,all serum- neu-protein samples were negative. However, 26 of61 metastazised patients (43%) were serum-neu-protein-positive.In disseminated disease (n – 61), serum-neu-protein-positivitywas more likely to be seen in patients with visceral metastases(18/33 – 54%), than in patients with nonvisceral metastases(8/28 – 28%). Furthermore, monitoring of the serum-neu-proteinlevels reflected clinical course. For 53 patients original paraffin-embeddedtumor material was available for studying immunohistochemicalneu-protein expression. In 39/53 (73%) patients immunohistochemicaland ELISA data showed corresponding results. In 27/30 (90%)patients, from whom sera and tissue could be obtained at thesame time at primary mastectomy, results of immunohistochemistryin primary tumor and serum ELISA were negative and mutuallyconfirmatory. However, the other three patients were positivefor immunohistochemical neu-protein expression in primary tumorbut negative for serum-neu-protein expression. CONCLUSIONS:: Our results suggest that patients with advanced breast cancerand an elevated serum-neu-protein level may have a poor clinicaloutcome. This test might be a useful tool for monitoring patientswith advanced breast carcinoma, but not those with early disease.Further prospective studies are warranted to elucidate the questionof whether this test can contribute to determining prognosisand treatment strategies. breast carcinoma, c-erb-B2, HER-2, neu, oncogene, pl85
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