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Cholesterol atheromatous embolism: an increasingly recognized cause of acute renal failure
Authors:Scolari, F.   Bracchi, M.   Valzorio, B.   Movilli, E.   Costantino, E.   Savoldi, S.   Zorat, S.   Bonardelli, S.   Tardanico, R.   Maiorca, R.
Affiliation:1Department of Nephrology Brescia, Italy 2Department of Surgery Brescia, Italy 3Department of Pathology of University and Spedali Civili Brescia, Italy
Abstract:BACKGROUND.: Cholesterol atheromatous embolism is a systemic disease resultingfrom cholesterol crystal embolization to many organs, includingthe kidney. Vascular surgery, vascular radiology investigationsand anticoagulation have been identified as inciting factors. METHODS.: Fifteen patients with extensive atherosclerosis, presentingwith simultaneous occurrence of acute renal failure and peripheralischaemic changes were diagnosed as having acute renal failuredue to cholesterol atheromatous embolism. RESULTS.: The patients, 12 men and three women, had an average age of65 years. In one patient, spontaneous occurrence of the diseasewas observed. An inciting factor was identified in 14 patients:aortography in 10, aortic surgery in two, and thrombolysis intwo. Clinical course of acute renal failure was quite variable.Four patients required dialysis; 11 were conservatively managed.All patients had concomitant skin lesions, including digitalmottling, cyanosis and gangrene of the toes, and livedo reticularisof the lower limb and abdomen. Eosinophilia was the most commonlaboratory abnormality. The diagnosis of cholesterol atheromatousembolism was confirmed by tissue examination in eight; in threeit was based on the finding of retinal cholesterol emboli; infourpatients it was made on clinical grounds. Seven patientsdied within 36 months. Death was most commonly from cardiaccauses. CONCLUSIONS.: Since the population at risk for cholesterol embolism is growingand the disease is iatrogenic in origin, we should expect todetect cholesterol embolism with greater frequency as causeof acute renal failure in the future.
Keywords:acute renal failure   cholesterol embolism
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