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Memory T-Cell Responses to Vibrio cholerae O1 Infection
Authors:Ana A. Weil  Mohammad Arifuzzaman  Taufiqur R. Bhuiyan  Regina C. LaRocque  Aaron M. Harris  Emily A. Kendall  Azim Hossain  Abdullah A. Tarique  Alaullah Sheikh  Fahima Chowdhury  Ashraful I. Khan  Farhan Murshed  Kenneth C. Parker  Kalyan K. Banerjee  Edward T. Ryan  Jason B. Harris  Firdausi Qadri  Stephen B. Calderwood
Abstract:Vibrio cholerae O1 can cause diarrheal disease that may be life-threatening without treatment. Natural infection results in long-lasting protective immunity, but the role of T cells in this immune response has not been well characterized. In contrast, robust B-cell responses to V. cholerae infection have been observed. In particular, memory B-cell responses to T-cell-dependent antigens persist for at least 1 year, whereas responses to lipopolysaccharide, a T-cell-independent antigen, wane more rapidly after infection. We hypothesize that protective immunity is mediated by anamnestic responses of memory B cells in the gut-associated lymphoid tissue, and T-cell responses may be required to generate and maintain durable memory B-cell responses. In this study, we examined B- and T-cell responses in patients with severe V. cholerae infection. Using the flow cytometric assay of the specific cell-mediated immune response in activated whole blood, we measured antigen-specific T-cell responses using V. cholerae antigens, including the toxin-coregulated pilus (TcpA), a V. cholerae membrane preparation, and the V. cholerae cytolysin/hemolysin (VCC) protein. Our results show that memory T-cell responses develop by day 7 after infection, a time prior to and concurrent with the development of B-cell responses. This suggests that T-cell responses to V. cholerae antigens may be important for the generation and stability of memory B-cell responses. The T-cell proliferative response to VCC was of a higher magnitude than responses observed to other V. cholerae antigens.Vibrio cholerae is a gram-negative bacterium that can cause a severe, acute secretory diarrhea. Serological differentiation of V. cholerae strains is based on the O-side chain of the lipopolysaccharide (LPS) component of the outer membrane. Of the more than 200 serogroups of V. cholerae identified, only the O1 and O139 serogroups can cause epidemic cholera (44). These pathogens are noninvasive and colonize the mucosal surface of the small intestine (44).Natural infection with V. cholerae is known to provide protection against subsequent disease, but the mechanism of this protective immunity is not fully characterized. The vibriocidal antibody is a complement-dependent bactericidal antibody that is associated with protection from infection. However, no known threshold level of the vibriocidal antibody confers complete protection from V. cholerae infection, and some individuals with low serum vibriocidal antibody titers are still protected. This suggests that the vibriocidal titer may be a surrogate marker (16, 45). Elevated serum immunoglobulin A (IgA) antibody levels specific for the B subunit of cholera toxin (CTB), the major structural subunit of a type IV pilus (TcpA), and LPS are also associated with protective immunity in areas where cholera is endemic (19). However, after natural infection, the serum levels of these antibodies wane more rapidly than protective immunity (19). Patients with cholera develop memory B-cell responses of both the IgG and the IgA isotype to at least two V. cholerae protein antigens, CTB and TcpA. These responses are detectable for at least 1 year after infection and persist even after V. cholerae antigen-specific antibody-secreting cells and serum antibody titers have returned to baseline (18). B-cell memory responses also develop for the T-cell independent antigen LPS, but these responses wane more rapidly than memory B-cell responses to protein antigens, suggesting that durable memory B-cell responses to some V. cholerae antigens may be T-cell dependent (18).We have recently demonstrated that cholera patients mount a primed T-cell response in the mucosa after V. cholerae O1 infection (6). We hypothesize that protection from cholera may be mediated by memory B cells capable of an anamnestic response in the gut mucosa and that these memory B cells may depend on stimulation provided by memory T cells for their development and maintenance. T cells may contribute to the activation of B cells during V. cholerae infection by secreting stimulatory cytokines and direct contact with B cells in lymph nodes. Therefore, T cells may have an important role in protective immunity to V. cholerae infection.We characterized the memory T-cell responses to V. cholerae antigens following natural V. cholerae infection and compared these with serological responses to the same antigens. Previously, our group has studied various V. cholerae antigens, including mannose-sensitive hemagglutinin, TcpA, CTB, and LPS (22, 33, 37). We also included in the present study responses to a novel antigen, V. cholerae cytolysin/hemolysin (VCC) (31, 32). The hly gene that encodes the VCC protein is widespread across both pathogenic and environmental strains of V. cholerae, suggesting that VCC may impart an advantage to the organism (42). Although the precise role of VCC in V. cholerae infection is unknown, VCC is the primary virulence factor in V. cholerae infection with non-O1, non-O139 strains that do not produce cholera toxin (12, 46). The immune response to VCC is not well understood; however, recent studies suggest that VCC may promote a Th2 response in V. cholerae infection (2). In addition, the cytolytic activity of VCC may generate epithelial destruction that allows other V. cholerae antigens to penetrate the mucosa and promote the inflammatory response observed in V. cholerae infection (35, 39).
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