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The T cell antigen receptor α and β chains interact via distinct regions with CD3 chains
Authors:Nicholas Manolios  Owen Kemp  Zhan Guo Li
Abstract:Selective pairwise interactions between CD3 chains and the clonotypic T cell antigen receptor (TCR)-α, -β chains has recently been established. In this study, the region of interaction between clonotypic and CD3 chains involved with assembly was examined. To determine the site of protein interaction a variety of genetically altered TCR chains were constructed. These included: truncated proteins, lacking transmembrane and or cytosolic domains; chimeric proteins, in which extracellular, transmembrane or cytosolic domains were replaced with similar domains derived from either the Tac antigen or CD4; and point mutagenized TCR chains. COS-1 cells were transfected with cDNA, metabolically labeled, and immunoprecipitates analyzed using non-equilibrium pH gel electrophoresis (NEPHGE)-SDS/PAGE. The results demonstrated that assembly between TCR-α and TCR-β chains occurred at the extracellular level. Assembly of the TCR-α chain with CD3-δ, and CD3-ε was localized to an eight-amino acid motif within the transmembrane domain of TCR-α. Site-specific mutations of the TCR-α charged residues within this motif ( arginine, lysine) to leucine and similar point mutations of the transmembrane CD3-ε and CD3-δ charge groups resulted in the abrogation of assembly. In contast, TCR-β and CD3-ε binary complexes interacted via their extracellular domain. Analogous to TCR-α, the site of TCR-β and CD3-δ assembly was at the transmembrane region. Despite multiple genetic manipulations on CD3-γ and ζ; these proteins failed to assemble with TCR-α. Similarly, there was no interaction between TCR-β and ζ. These findings when coupled with the information on pairwise interactions and formation of higher order subcomplexes extend our model for the structure of the TCR complex.
Keywords:Assembly  T cell antigen receptor  Transfection  Domain interactions
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